Now that's what I call good timing

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. Early August - win a couple of perfect condition OE silencers for the
    Ducati, on Ebay, for £65.

    New ones are something silly like £200 each.

    Zymurgy kindly URs them from Born Iron, where the seller resides.

    I pick them up yesterday, and we have a chat about buying spares that
    one doesn't actually need, but which are too good to pass up and which
    might come in handy.

    This morning - the Duke blows a hole in its left-hand can.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2007
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    zymurgy Guest

    Born again Irish ?
    Nice. Result on your other win too ..


    zymurgy, Sep 30, 2007
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  3. Indeed. And it comes with a second bike for spares, which is a result.

    As for the Duke - see the 'Paging Bonwick...' thread. Something of a
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2007
  4. The Older Gentleman

    Beav Guest

    I'm surprised that over the years you've not discovered that ANYTHING bought
    "just because" will be used within days of getting it. It's worse if you
    *didn't* buy the bits though, because the need stays and you've got nowt to
    satisfy it.


    I bought some new gold machine heads for a Gibson I own because they were
    going cheap. The week after, I needed a new one when I smacked one off the
    guitar. Trouble is, the broken one wasn't a gold one so I STILL had to buy a
    set of non gold ones.

    I acquired some 3 stage pearl paint in Kwak orange and promptly binned the
    fucking bike. I neeeded to buy MORE paint coz there wasn't enough when it
    came to the painting.

    I looked at a SOC to replace my (then) current SOC (Cavalier SRi) for
    carting crap and running errands. I'd had my Cav for 7 years or so when I
    looked at a Honda Civic and was contemplating a swap. I got the Civic and
    thought I'd give a bit of a tarting, but before I could, some **** nicked
    the Cavalier and although I got it back a couple of days later, it was
    fucked. I now needed the Civic and I never got round to tarting it up.

    I stopped scarfing eBay soon after:)


    VN 750
    Zed 1000
    OMF# 19.
    Beav, Sep 30, 2007
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