Now Serving Nitrogen At SuperTireGuy

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Supertireguy, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. Supertireguy

    JB Guest

    This is true, but even in the Bayou, the percent of air comprised of
    water vapor is less than 1% so
    it will likely cause no more of an effect than that. I seriously,
    doubt that the racers can control the
    other factors which affect tire pressure to 1% (e.g. if the road
    increases friction enough to increase
    the temp by 3Kelvin that will cause about a 1% increase in Pressure)
    JB, Feb 27, 2005
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  2. Scuba tanks are inflated to 3500psi with virtually no moisture. Bike
    tires are at what...40psi?
    Jason O'Rourke, Feb 28, 2005
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  3. Supertireguy

    muddycat Guest

    Yebbut you don't fill your tanks at a gas station. SCUBA shops have
    better stuff with filters/dryers/etc.
    muddycat, Feb 28, 2005
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