Now I Gotta Tell Ya

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    All that bright sunshine is misleading as all get out.. Unwrapped the green
    One this morning.. Cheeez .. what a mess.. Since the mexican is home today,
    I decided I better run down to the nearby carwash to give 'er just a quick
    hose down and a wipe or two.. That's a mile and a half .. Finally got that
    cold bitch cranked and let 'er warm up for a bit..

    Neighbors all started looking out their windows after about five minutes and
    I decided "it" was time to leave before someone called the law.. These old
    V-Twins sure keep up a fuss, don't they ?

    About halfway to the damn car wash.. I was so damn cold, my teeth were
    chattering and I was shaking.. hmmm.. I thinking "hell.. how can I be so
    cold with the sun shining like a diamond in a goat's ass". Cut straight to
    the chase, here... that motorcycle ain't this damn nasty, anyway.. Whipped
    into the Minyard's and picked up a few little things the mexican wanted
    (what I was really doing was getting inside where it was warm).. I found the
    longest check out line and enjoyed that nice warm store, as long as I
    could.. Mounted the Vulcan and froze my ass off on the ride back home..

    Checking one of the weather channels, I learned that the temp's were 27
    degrees with a slight north wind that brought the temperature down to about
    12 degrees.. Now . I'm a tough old geezer, but I'm not nuts.. That's too
    damn cold for this Texas country boy, to be skinnin' down the street on a
    damn motorcycle..

    After seeing all this sunshine, I'd made some elaborate plans to do some
    ridin' today.. Instead.. I lovingly covered that Green Vulcan, give a kind
    pat on the rump and called it a day.. Sez to myself.. "Self.. yo' mama
    didn't raise no rocket scientist, but she sure didn't raise no fool,
    neither".. I'm parked.. I'm stayin' parked till it warms up a bit.. at least
    to freezin' temperature..

    I realize that we got a whole slew of tough dudes out here, that love to
    ride, no matter what's going on.. I'm sure going to enjoy reading all their
    ride reports and such.. My ride report for this week is gonna hafta consist
    of "I couldn't even make it to the car wash.. It's too damn cold for me"...
    Piss poor excuse for a ride report, but it's the best I can do this week..
    Have a good one....

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 16, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    ShadowHawk Guest

    I concur... I rode to the post office & back today... It had warmed up to
    39(F), though... I've just remembered that I'm supposed to wear some
    thermal bottoms under my pants to keep things from getting too cold.. Had
    to have a couple of cups of hot chocolate when I got home to warm my face
    back up.

    Then again, another XJ'er up in canada emailed me to inform me that I
    didn't know shit about sold weather, as it was -20 Deg. C. where he
    lives... If it gets that damned cold, then I'm happy "not knowing shit
    about cold weather." Brrrr!

    Rex S.

    '82 XJ650 Maxim
    '82 XJ750 Maxim Project Bike
    ShadowHawk, Jan 16, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... when I hear stuff like that, I am reminded of the reason I stay real
    close to Texas.. The only way this old dude is going to ride in that kind
    of weather is to get caught in it somewhere there isn't a nice cozy motel
    around.. I don't remember ever being young and foolish enough to start a run
    when it is that damn cold.. FERGIT IT... Regards Rex..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  4. We're hoping for fairly warm weather on Feb 6th...we're going to
    Jefferson's version of a Madi Grau. If it's 40, we'll hook
    em......mayyyyyyybeee 36*.....
    I've never been to the real Madi Grau.
    (I know it's not spelled rite, so dont hit me, smile)

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 17, 2005
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