Novell takeover rumours...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Adrian, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    Adrian, Nov 22, 2010
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  2. Adrian

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Nov 22, 2010
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  3. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    Adrian, Nov 22, 2010
  4. Adrian

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Nov 22, 2010
  5. Adrian

    ginge Guest

    Something begining with U and ending in X, I reckon.
    ginge, Nov 22, 2010
  6. Adrian

    zymurgy Guest

    That's not even funny ;)

    From the article footnote :

    "Wouldn't it be funny if Microsoft ended up owning whatever rights to
    Unix that Novell thinks it has?"

    zymurgy, Nov 23, 2010
  7. Adrian

    prawn Guest

    I think that groklaw is going into meltdown over this ;-)

    prawn, Nov 23, 2010
  8. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    You should.

    If there really ARE Unix patents involved, at the very least the entire
    industry's got years of long and expensive and time-consuming FUD &
    litigation ahead of it.

    At the worst, there's potential for a really horrible monopoly situation,
    with the wallet-raping and stifling of innovation that tends to entail.
    Adrian, Nov 23, 2010
  9. Adrian

    CT Guest

    But why should I actually GAF?
    But why should I actually GAF?
    CT, Nov 23, 2010
  10. Adrian

    prawn Guest

    Your home router will cost more.
    prawn, Nov 23, 2010
  11. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    Well, I s'pose if you don't actually plan to buy any more domestic tech
    in the next decade or so...

    Oh, wait.

    All the companies you DO buy stuff off will likely face stiff rises in
    their internal IT costs and reductions in future gains in efficiency.

    Make that "Well, I s'pose if you plan to live in a cave for the next
    Adrian, Nov 23, 2010
  12. Adrian

    CT Guest

    What - the "free" one I got from BT?
    CT, Nov 23, 2010
  13. Adrian

    prawn Guest

    Free? No such thing, old son.
    prawn, Nov 23, 2010
  14. Adrian

    CT Guest

    I bought a new laptop earlier this year. The previous one was 7 years

    The new one cost 30% of the old one, for a better spec. If the cost of
    my next laptop is a lot more than my current one, then I'll either
    swallow the cost or replace it with something 2nd hand.

    I really can't see why I need to GAF about Novell being taken over.
    CT, Nov 23, 2010
  15. Adrian

    CT Guest

    That's why I put it in qoutes. I know that I pay for it through the
    monthly cost, but I really can't see that the increased cost of a
    router in the future is going to be a major issue for me.
    CT, Nov 23, 2010
  16. Adrian

    prawn Guest

    I'm really not prepared to go into MS bashing not Linux advicacy in this
    group. Anyway, there's a lot of knee-jerk panicing going on at the

    To surmise: it could be harmless or Microsoft could use their deep pockets
    and go into murder, death kill mode.

    There are too few facts around at the moment to even guess reliably.
    prawn, Nov 23, 2010
  17. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    Because Novell were actively trying to use those patents as the basis for
    their own Unix-based products, competing with...
    Adrian, Nov 23, 2010
  18. Adrian

    davethedave Guest

    <reaches for tinfoil helmet>
    Have you heard of a company called Cyberdyne Systems and their product
    davethedave, Nov 23, 2010
  19. Adrian

    ginge Guest

    I'm guessing because Novell actually owned the patents SCO thought
    they could kill linux and sue everyone else with.

    Anyway, it's no bad thing, even if the OS market were to reduce to
    Windows, Solaris and AIX then there would be tons of migration
    projects in the future, and millions of apps that need redeveloping.

    Anyone with a suitable technical background could probably go
    contracting and make a small fortune, and the IT industry would be
    like the good old days again.

    ginge, Nov 23, 2010
  20. Adrian

    Adrian Guest

    ITYM "Unix".
    Knock Solaris & AIX out if Unix is "killed". And, of course, on the
    desktop OS X would have to go for a burton, together with Android & iOS,
    on mobile handsets. And - of course - all those embedded devices.
    Adrian, Nov 23, 2010
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