NOTE: Ordering new telecoms (BT) Services

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Hog, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Hog

    Hog Guest

    As there are quite a few Network people reading the NG it's worth
    highlighting something I learned today.

    With the creation of Openreach BT has isolated the engineering arm from the
    Retail side of the business. Thus when you order new telecoms or data
    services that require infrastructure installation over BT tail circuits
    (copper or fibre) it is Openreach which do the practical work. You the
    customer may have ordered from ANY Service Provider that has an agreement
    with BT.

    I'm sure this much is known to anyone with an interest. What is not obvious
    is that Openreach do not, as a standard service, carry out a
    pre-installation site survey. YOU must ask your Service Provider for a
    *site survey* (if you think it might be required) as an additional service.
    I'm sure there will be a charge but if you do not the engineers may turn up,
    suck teeth, shake heads and leave again. Rightly so as they now arrive with
    no idea of the physical nature of the job.

    So if you are adding another telephone line to a site with existing
    services, digital services to sites with existing NTU's etc. you will most
    likely be ok. If you have any doubts though, ask for a Survey.

    A failure to plan ahead my incur significant time delay. If you have waited
    10 working days for the Openreach team you may wait another 15 working days
    for the Survey and another engineering time slot. This could significantly
    spoil your day!
    Hog, Nov 29, 2007
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