Not your average bin

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Slider, May 8, 2005.

  1. Slider

    Monkey Guest

    Especially ones called 'Ponce'.
    Monkey, May 9, 2005
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  2. In, Monkey amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    No, I could see the car was stopped and knew I wasn't going to stop.
    It's was a very weird feeling but I knew I was going to hit the thing
    and there was nothing I could do about it. This was made even stranger
    by the fact I had loads of room to stop slowly if I'd wanted to.

    I've still not worked out what happened but I remember the moment of
    impact and then laying on the floor with the bike on top of me.
    Whinging Courier, May 9, 2005
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  3. Slider

    BGN Guest

    Did you lay there helpless until someone came to help you, or did you
    actively try to get it off of you?

    In my bin I remember thinking some really odd things, and being quite
    calm about it all.

    Initial thoughts during the bin:

    I can't see anything.
    That was a really stupid thing to do.
    If the bike's a complete mess I can always buy a shit old one.
    I'm going to be late home for dinner.
    I left my Oakley's at work.
    Should I go to Egypt on Monday for a week?

    After I came to a halt, apart from "I'm laying in the middle of a fast
    road, I should roll off" my main concern was with not being able to
    breathe and then making a really horrid alien noise about 15 seconds
    later when I managed to get something into my lungs, after rolling out
    of the lane on to the muddy bank I then had a panicked breathing fit.

    And after that I remember counting the cars that passed by without
    stopping and got up to 8 and then noticed that my right arm was
    hurting and thought OH **** I'LL HAVE TO LEARN TO RIDE WITH ONE ARM,
    and I was then scared to move my feet in case I couldn't move them.
    Stupid things went through my mind, but not until a few minutes later.

    It was an experience that I can only describe as fucking odd.

    Oh, and there I am talking about myself again, I should start blogging
    BGN, May 9, 2005
  4. In, BGN amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    A bit of both. Luckily my mate was following me who helped me up.
    My accident happened long before I hit the car. I had loads of room to
    stop/ go round but I just knew I *had* to hit the back of that car.
    Thoughts of the bike never came into until I got home and looked at the
    damage next morning. It was ridable but my mate rode it back and I had
    his because my shoulder hurt, it turned out later that I'd broken my
    collar bone.
    Heh. That's a hell of a lot to think about in a nanosecond. I just sort
    of went "errr"... Bang, the same with most offs actually, along with "Oh
    God, is it gonna hurt". The last big bin I had a couple of years ago I
    wasn't thinking of anything, I don't even think I knew I crashed until I
    found myself stinging all the way up my arms and knees :)
    I crashed at Queen Mother's Gate, right at that nice flick-flack at the
    bottom of Park Lane[1], the engine bars touched down - something that
    I'd done many time before but having a passenger helped them dig in I
    think. After I'd worked out what happened my first priority was getting
    then then very lovely Mrs.Courier out of the road.
    I was doing my best not to throw up at this point. I got us out of the
    road (the bike made its own way by sliding to the edge and launching
    itself up the kerb onto the pavement) and layed down but then when I
    tried to stand up... well lets just say I was better off laying down.
    As coincidence would have it, there was an ambo there treating a couple
    of skaters and they radioed for me and got another one to the scene for
    my and the lovely missus. The crew were fantastic.
    Who doesn't talk about themselves on here? The difference is I don't
    mind reading yours.

    [1] The oil stains were still visible on the kerbstones over a year
    Whinging Courier, May 9, 2005
  5. Slider

    Lozzo Guest

    Beav says...
    He's been listening to too much Radio 1. That's a catchphrase on the
    Colin and Edith Show.
    Lozzo, May 9, 2005
  6. Slider

    Lozzo Guest

    Biffa Bacon says...
    Mary Ann Hobbs is single again. She told Gus Scott that if he races at
    the Isle of Man then she would be offski, and she was was true to her
    word when he announced his intention.
    Lozzo, May 10, 2005
  7. Slider

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    Lozzo, May 10, 2005
  8. Slider

    Lozzo Guest

    Bear says...
    Lozzo, May 10, 2005
  9. Slider

    Slider Guest


    Casually burning a CD or two.
    Slider, May 10, 2005
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