Not exactly a "ride report" But.. Almost

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I been lurkin', and observing another motorcycle newsgroup this past week..
    Since tx.motorcyles is periodically "invaded" by a crew from, now and then.. I got curious.. Those guys usually come on
    this group slinging insults, challenging, complaining about topics and
    such.. Since this latest little episode with four or five of those guys, I
    decided to make more than just a quick scan of where they are coming from..
    So.. I subscribed to the group and spent a few days "visiting".. hmm.. I
    might take up residency, over there..

    Hey.. I found a bunch of pretty decent kind of ol' boys and girls.. They all
    seem to be divided into different camps and appear to be kind of clannish..
    There's the group that enjoys the tea party social thing.. The group that
    does some serious riding.. Another group is really hi-tech .. The political
    group is sort of isolated Then there is the "poser" group, of course..

    Topics range full scale, from riding the shit out of their motorcycles to
    talking about the price of tea in China..The ones who come on, hollerin' about "topics" seem to be the ones who are most
    engaged in the conversations, over there .. that has nothing to do with
    motorcycles.. LOL... The "posers" are trying hard to maintain their images
    and impress one another.. The politicians mix it up pretty good.. they ride
    the shit out of their bikes and do a lot of campaigning.. The social bunch
    seem real busy trying to organize their next get together.. Then there is
    the international crew.. New Zealand and Canadians, mostly..

    All told, that's a lively crew.. They post a lot.. Lot's of trash to wade
    through.. Some are altogether juvenile and I've read through each thread on
    that group, for this past few days... Whew.. insults fly back and forth and
    they seem to enjoy it..

    Bottom line is.. there is a niche for groups like reeky and there is a niche
    for a group like I recognize quite a few of the
    "characters" .. we've seen most of them on newsgroup over the
    years.. Some are "for real" and "genuine" .. others are phony and
    counterfeit.. Quite a few have participated on .. The phony
    and counterfeit ones are deeply offended and defensive about being exposed
    for what they are..Some of them are just typical hypocrits trying to impress
    one another.. Some of them are good guys..

    At any rate, it's been interesting , and for the most part, I got a warm
    reception over there.. LMAO.. (a few were not so warm) I'll probably
    continue to post over there.. occasionally.. Seems like I may be almost as
    well known there, as I am on That's a hoot..

    Maybe the "flamers" have decided to back off, just a bit.. Seems that the
    thread is dying on the vine, so to speak..One of the most common points that share with "reeky" is that the core of that group is that the
    solid base contributors have as little regard for people with "no character"
    as the tx.motorcycle group.. They do seem to be more tolerant of them, but
    not very responsive to them.. For the most part, my conclusion is that a lot
    of good folks, frequent both groups. You just have to sort out who you
    develop relationships with, in both places.. Good bunch, in part.. and I'll
    hand it to them.. they are lively.. I've enjoyed the fellowship with
    them..for the most part..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 8, 2005
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  2. BW,I enjoyed the survey report about what goes on in another
    motorcylceNG, called I havent visited with them. I just don't
    have the time. This group, NG is enough for me. There has been
    times, when it's slow, next to boring in here, that I thought of
    shopping around for another NG, and not necessarily about motorcycles.<>
    Actually, I personally like it when a squad of another group skoots in
    here for a day or so. I'll tell ya one thang, it generates and energizes
    the atmosphere, around here. My Honey got some good grins out of it, the
    last few dayz. <>Well BW, it appears, you kinda like some of the Bikers
    over in the I don't have any doubt, that I could find an
    aquantence in there, or anywhere else. <>I think, any NG will have
    several different types of groups.<><>
    Matter of fact, that's the way of life and that's what makes a group
    <>Heavens to Betsy, I would hate for all to be like me, talking
    boring.ummmh!!<> I know I fall in to a different group than you &
    others in here (at times).<> I can find myself agreeing with folks in
    here that you don't, and you vice-a-Versus. I will disagree with you, or
    any other, in a Dallas minute. <>I do not side with, or against with
    anyone all the time. Heck, I even agree with ol' Mark occasionally.
    <>Thanks, BW, you are almost, maiking me wanna go over there, to see
    what the Fuss is all about...(old saying, not literally) (well almost
    not literally)

    ‹›‘Have a Good'un’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 8, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. keep it rolling .. JailCall .. ol' pard.. That "nut sac" comment was
    good.. <chuckle> If most of these posers ever got a look at yours, they'd
    sure 'nuff shit their pants.. ROTFL... Regards to the missus and our good
    friend IceMan.. and his IceLady..

    See you both real soon..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 8, 2005
  4. <> keep it rolling .. JailCall .. ol' pard.. That "nut sac" comment was
    good.. <chuckle> If most of these posers ever got a look at yours,
    they'd sure 'nuff shit their pants.. ROTFL... Regards to the missus and
    our good friend IceMan.. and his IceLady..
    See you both real soon..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    that made me think, what about and where is Iceman? He was an active
    rascal in here, when I first arrived, back in september. And another I
    really enjoyed, was FullState. hmmmm?

    ‹›‘Happy Trails to You’›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 9, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <> keep it rolling .. JailCall .. ol' pard.. That "nut sac" comment was
    good.. <chuckle> If most of these posers ever got a look at yours,
    they'd sure 'nuff shit their pants.. ROTFL... Regards to the missus and
    our good friend IceMan.. and his IceLady..
    See you both real soon..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    that made me think, what about and where is Iceman? He was an active
    rascal in here, when I first arrived, back in september. And another I
    really enjoyed, was FullState. hmmmm?

    <>'Happy Trails to You'>>>BJAY>>>

    Bjay.. I rode with Fullstate just a few days ago.. Since that doctor (ugly
    bitch) grounded me .. I can't venture out to far without "suitable escort"..
    (that oughtta spring out the flamers).. Fullstate came by and escorted me to
    Grapevine where we visited a fancy new dealership and then we ate lunch at
    Joe's Crabshack. Got caught up with our visitin' and he's off and runnin' to
    New York or some damfool place..

    The IceMan crashed his old 'puter and took off for Florida to see Disney
    World..hmmm didn't even bother to invite me and JailCall, either.. Reports
    that I'm getting is that he'll be back online again.. soon.. whew.. that's
    better than a "ride report" huh ?? LMAO.. Take care Bjay..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 9, 2005
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