For anyone who might be interested, the Northwich Thundersprint is next Sunday, 9th May. Various stalls and events, including an aerobatic display by a Spitfire (for all the aviation buffs). -- Lesley ZXR400SP SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster] BOTAFOT#101A UKRMHRC#12 BONY#54P BOB#18 Un-cork me to reply
SP says... And the link I forgot to include before hitting the send button..[1] News.htm [1] It's that Petrolcans fault, he's worn me to a frazzle. -- Lesley ZXR400SP SBS#11[with oak-leaf cluster] BOTAFOT#101A UKRMHRC#12 BONY#54P BOB#18 Un-cork me to reply