Northern - Evening run out - any takers?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by christofire, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. christofire

    christofire Guest

    Anyone fancy an evening bimble tonight? Looks like rain tomorrow, so
    the idea of a Sunday bimble is being brought forward. Location variable
    on who's interested, but ideally to take in somewhere with brew
    facilities and a view of the sunset.

    Post here or give me a ring.
    christofire, Sep 15, 2007
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  2. christofire

    cat Guest

    What time? I'm well up for it. I'm going shopping now though. If anything
    gets arranged would you be so gentlemanly as to text me?
    cat, Sep 15, 2007
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  3. christofire

    christofire Guest



    christofire, Sep 15, 2007
  4. christofire

    Lady Nina Guest

    Yes. I'm bored of paperwork.
    You're not that far north.
    Which is around 7.30 now :(
    When I find my sodding phone.
    Lady Nina, Sep 15, 2007
  5. christofire

    Spete Guest

    Sure, fancy a bimble up to Groningen then?

    Spete, Sep 15, 2007
  6. christofire

    hog Guest

    I will be home before 7.
    there is crash space in leeds too of course. One double and 2 couches.
    hog, Sep 15, 2007
  7. christofire

    christofire Guest

    That was fun. I've not ridden at night for some time[1][2], so there
    was a fair bit of:
    * where did that bump come from?
    * crap! where did that corner come from? (the lights on the 10R appear
    to be for decorative purposes only - it was much improved by having an
    ER-5 right behind me)
    * shit! why did that fox die *there*!

    If people are interested in doing an evening bimble in a few weeks
    time, possibly with food/beer at the end make yourselves known and I'll
    have a think.

    [1] leave it
    [2] out in unlit NSL
    christofire, Sep 15, 2007
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