Noise Cancelling Headphones on a bike?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Marty H, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Marty H

    Marty H Guest

    Anyone used Noise Cancelling Headphones on a bike, not "isolating" but
    the ones with active electronics to counter act background noise

    you can pick up these for about $110

    I have tried a pair a few years back and they do wonders of cutting
    out background noise but that is standing still, not moving through
    the air at 100kmh

    seeing they work by sampling the the sounds around you them playing
    them back at you in real time 180 degrees out of phase, I am worried
    that things like wind noise, which will be cancelled by the rubber
    inserts could be reproduced and then played though the headphones..

    any experiences?


    Marty H, Jun 3, 2009
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  2. In on Wed, 3 Jun 2009 00:17:50 -0700 (PDT)

    I have a set that use the in-ear earphones that insert into the ear

    There was a noticeable difference in the noise at speed.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jun 3, 2009
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  3. I've only played with the "normal" noise reduction headphones that you wear.
    They're ok I suppose, but being in electronics, I could think of lots of
    different ways that electronics could have been used more productfully.

    When it comes to motorcycles, the only thing that even comes close to the
    mark (IMO), are moulded in-ear plugs with integrated headphone transducers.
    Either the ones that are moulded within the ear plug, or the external ones
    that carry the sound a short distance with tubes.

    The tubes tend to bang against each other at speed, the fully integrated
    transducers do not have this problem, but, the external transducers sound MUCH
    better when you're pushing more than just voice through them.

    You could be looking at about three times the price for the moulded plugs
    and transducers compared to the noise-cancelling types, but IMO, they're a
    bazillion times better.

    I know I've turned this into a moulded plug sales fest against the noise
    cancellers, but again, IMO, they don't even really compare.

    I should mention, I have a form of hearing loss that makes it difficult for
    me to discern voices and/or music when set with a background of other noise.
    I really need to be wary with earphones, because what you might consider very
    cost-effective and usable, I find completely useless.
    John Tserkezis, Jun 3, 2009
  4. Marty H

    Jim Kelly Guest

    When it comes to motorcycles, the only thing that even comes close to the
    mark (IMO), are moulded in-ear plugs with integrated headphone transducers.
    Either the ones that are moulded within the ear plug, or the external ones
    that carry the sound a short distance with tubes.

    The tubes tend to bang against each other at speed, the fully integrated
    transducers do not have this problem, but, the external transducers sound MUCH
    better when you're pushing more than just voice through them.

    What sort of dollars are we talking for either of these moulded options John? I keep hearing about them but never met anyone who actually has them! Sorry to hear of your deteriorated hearing . . . I suspect that if many of us aren't careful we could join you . . .


    Jim Kelly
    Jim Kelly, Jun 5, 2009
  5. Marty H

    Auto Volume Guest

    Maybe software can help with your problem. Take a look at what my app does (only for iPhone):


    It's called AutoVolume (Automatic Music Volume Control for iPhone) and it will be SOON on AppStore.


    AutoVolume is a cool iPhone app that will constantly measure the outside noise level with the iPhone's built in microphone and then gracefully adjust the music volume depending on the noise outside and your personal settings.

    Use it while traveling on noisy transport that is making stops, walking on loud streets. It is also able to instantly lower the music volume when noise is heard (limiter). Making it useful in office or during any kind of activity that requires your sudden attention. More over it responds when you start talking.

    More details:

    You can SIGN UP now and you will be NOTIFIED when AutoVolume is available on the AppStore! Click to sign up now:

    Like me on facebook and I will work harder:

    Auto Volume, Aug 29, 2011
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