No to Walker/Austin

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Louie, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. excellent. so why don't you tell us in what lodge # you and daddy are
    actually active dues paying members. you are active, aren't you?
    another viewer, Jan 15, 2005
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  2. that is fantastic, really it is. now, since it's not a secret or
    anything like that, what lodge number did you say you were currently an
    active dues paying member of ? you should know that immediately.
    another viewer, Jan 15, 2005
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  3. Louie

    Andrew Guest

    Hey man, I've seen the Simpsons, I know how the stonecutters work!
    Andrew, Jan 15, 2005
  4. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    The same one I've always been since my EA degree was conferred upon me.
    Don't you see it? I just posted it.

    Too stupid to find it in what I wrote or something?

    Who taught Mark Johnson his work? Where is that person's picture at? Who was
    the Worshipful Master at his lodge?

    You still can't seem to grasp it, can you fat man? This one seems to be so
    far over your little pointed head it's ridiculous.
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  5. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm very much a current member in good standing, although not active...but I
    should be.

    As someone who's NOT a current member in good standing, you don't have any
    authority over me to be asking such questions. But, I've already said where
    my blue lodge is. I've given enough information that anyone with any sense
    and any involvement with AF&AM work should be easily able to say "oh, that's
    where you're a member"....and if nothing else be able to walk into the
    Dallas Temple and look at the picture and see where I'm a member.

    If you're too stupid and Mark isn't a member, that's no my problem. I'm not
    wanting to recommend either of you two sleazy assholes.
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  6. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, the Masonic police have been after the Simpsons for YEARS for
    revealing secrets!
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  7. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO.. I've been sitting here just reading all this silly nonsense that
    John Moran and his little reeky buddies this morning and I've fell out in
    the floor at least twice..

    These clowns are too damn pitiful .. especially this one.. He's even
    commenced to try and re-habilitate his buddy.. Mark Johnson is stupid enough
    to allow him to do that.. They both are so ignorant, they think the Masonic
    Order is some kind of CLUB they can belong to.. LOL.. Many good men are
    Masons who haven't stepped foot in a lodgeroom in years.. Good Masons are
    proficient in the work, not "active" This is too pathetic to be funny.. Men
    like these two are perfect examples of wannabes. and posers.. Mark Johnson
    tried to pass himself off as a Mason and got his britches ripped and John
    Moran is not even a successful poser .. Just a sock puppet with a bounty on
    his fatass.. The only "club" either of these two actually fit into is the
    Reeky club..

    The flame warriors from reeky finally cross posted another newsgroup with
    their flame war and voila they got a dose of their own medicine.. The flame
    war that is going on in reeky is eating their lunch.. hmmm.. In the history
    of usenet newsgroups, I don't think anyone has ever seen anything quite
    like this..One old retired senior citizen has come into the fantasy world of
    reeky, surrounded their celluloid little band of phonies, declared himself
    the High Sheriff of Reeky.. With all the personal threats, screaming and
    hollering, the self declared High Sheriff has exposed more posing
    counterfeits in less than two weeks, than the genuine and serious bikers in
    that newsgroup, has ever seen..The serious and genuine contributors on that
    group have quietly gone about their own fellowship and discussions.. and all
    the posers are frantically trying to figure out what to do about one old
    Texas Geezer on a mission.. Almost 1000 posts per day, and that's just the
    ones in reeky, dedicated to fry one old dude..

    Changing aliases, swapping names and generally running around in confusion
    shouting all their indignation about one very real old man in Texas with an
    antique, homemade, halfassed compute, making asses out of a bunch of
    counterfeit bullies.. Exposing each one of them as a phony and a poser..
    Ain't that a hoot..??

    hmmm.. Soon as I figure out how to do all this cross posting nonsense, I'm
    really going to spread this little campaign on usenet..
    Bill Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  8. Louie

    Wakko Guest


    I think Masons are a dangerous trend among today's youth. Why, just last
    year I had an encounter with a rag tag looking gang of Masons. I was walking
    down the street, and they surrounded me, shoulder to shoulder, boxing me in.
    Started to shove me around between them, they did. Then asked for a
    charitable donation, which I gave. They then pummeled me with their fezzes
    and ran away.

    Oh wait, those where Shriners. Nevermind.
    Wakko, Jan 15, 2005
  9. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    See there.. Waco.. I knew you were making all that up.. There ain't a Mason
    or even a Shriner in his right mind would try to surround anybody as big as
    you.. LOL.. That would be pure insanity and those guys aren't nuts.. hmmm
    wwweeelllll .. at least you couldn't find that many of them in one place..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  10. Louie

    Andrew Guest

    Now that is funny!
    Andrew, Jan 15, 2005
  11. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    HEY HEY HEY!!!

    Hold up there! If you want to kick that "antique, homemade, halfassed
    compute" out, let me know and I'll be there QUICK!!!

    Ain't nothing even CLOSE to what you just described!!!

    You've got to be the only person I've ever known who has a video card worth
    more than most of these clown's entire computers...and you just read, post
    and chat on the yahoo stuff. A good gaming computer gone COMPLETELY to

    I DO need to arrange to buy that router of yours from you....I'll give you
    want you paid for it! :)
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  12. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, we like to keep the nutty one's spread out amongst our lodges. We
    can't have anyone monopolizing them, can we?
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  13. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    I guess that's why we're seeing more of these pocket bikes hitting the
    streets lately....starting early to train these kids to be Shriners?
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  14. Louie

    TomO Guest

    WTF are you talking about? Do you really believe that you can cause harm
    or affect ones life in any way by posting a message to a couple of
    usenet groups?

    Perspective man, perspective.
    TomO, Jan 17, 2005
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