No to Walker/Austin

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Louie, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Louie

    Louie Guest

    Walker, at the last meeting we voted to request that, at this time, you
    not go to Austin to represent us. We have people in place already to
    represent us, those were selected via an election. We selected those
    people on based on qualities they possess. We ask you not to go based on
    qualities you possess. Thank you for considering our futures.

    ....louie ...leader at the meeting
    Louie, Jan 11, 2005
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  2. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... Care to post a list of those attending that meeting..? Sorry ..
    sport.. you got no money..
    Bill Walker, Jan 11, 2005
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  3. Louie

    Andrew Guest

    Oh now that is just precious!
    Andrew, Jan 13, 2005
  4. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    How would you know .. wormy.. You don't have a clue what Louie is talking
    about.. ROTFL.. You sure are anxious to show your ass... You are so stupid
    to even understand how and why Bill Walker OWNs you....
    Bill Walker, Jan 13, 2005
  5. Louie

    Andrew Guest

    I read this group occasionally, being from TX and all. You don't have a
    clue what I know or don't know.

    What's the matter Bill? Can't take a taste of your own medicine?
    Oh yeah I forgot your the TX.MOTO Sheriff. It must really piss you off
    to see me posting in your backyard. Tough, I was invited by you to post
    here, people on this group know me, so I'm along for the ride.

    Hi to all my friends in TX.MOTO!

    00 Daytona
    00 Speed Triple
    Andrew, Jan 13, 2005
  6. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Huh ?
    WRONG.. I'm the self appointed Sheriff at REEKY.. Get something right you
    dumb shit.. Everybody knows that.. Now you are really pissing me off... The
    very idea getting my jurisdiction all fucked up....

    It must really piss you off
    Nah.. you might as well convince two newsgroups what a dipshit you are..
    With all your cross posting, you were doin alright.. but.. go for the whole
    enchilada.. Don't let all this two group thing interfere with your high
    profile professional duties, though.. This two group stiff is tough, I can
    tell you that.. Gotta be dedicated...

    ] Tough, I was invited by you to post
    Good o.. have a ball...You should find a niche pretty quick .. we got a few
    of those phony reeky types on tx.motorcycle..
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  7. Louie

    Andrew Guest

    Hey folks, I got called a dipsh*t by Bill... Thanks for the welcome!
    I hope you notice I have never once used profanity in my posts.
    I appreciate that you do it so much though. Those larger words are harder
    to use in context.
    Andrew, Jan 14, 2005
  8. Louie

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    "WRONG.. I'm the self appointed Sheriff at REEKY."

    Interesting perspective. I would have thought he'd be more the cowboy,
    indian, or maybe the construction worker instead of the cop. Getting
    his groove on in the "Y.M.C.A."!
    Bownse, Jan 14, 2005
  9. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    The "Great Impersonator" LOL.. is actually the FIRST one that I ever
    realized I OWNED...That was almost a year ago when he decided to impersonate
    a Mason.. hehehe.. Took me two whole days to discreetly expose that he's a
    usenet mason without even basic essentials of the work.. LMAO..

    Mark Johnson didn't know that he was posting trash to someone whose job it
    is to take out masonic impersonators .. When he realized what he'd done.. he
    hasn't addressed those masonic issues anymore.. Won't even respond ..
    hehehe.. No matter how much he's taunted, the impersonator AVOIDS any
    response.. Yeah.. all of sudden I realized.. "Walker .. you OWN this fake
    son of a bitch"... One by one Bill Walker OWNS all of Mark Johnson's equally
    fake reeky buddies, too.. on two newsgroups, no less... Hey, Reeky.. the
    Sheriff owns all the "fakes" that's been impressing you folks with their
    imaginary shit..
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  10. that's because true Masons don't speak of the craft in public, yet you
    do repeatedly and derogatorily.

    what does that indicate, hmm... who's really not a Mason here and who is
    keeping to the oaths.
    another viewer, Jan 14, 2005
  11. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... got'cha.. Bill Walker OWNS both of you phony pricks.. How would
    you know anything about Masons or their "oaths" ??? Even a usenet Mason
    like Mark Johnson knows better than to go there..
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  12. and you are an active dues paying member of what Lodge ?
    another viewer, Jan 14, 2005
  13. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.

    Someone just lied to you about Masonic work. Just walk into any AF&AM lodge
    and ask anyone in there about Masonic work and they'll tell you. Ask any one
    of them if there's anything in the work that's secret and they'll tell you
    "no". There's nothing secret about it. The clandestine lodges are the one's
    who play the secret crap. Every bit of the work in Freemasonry is in the
    archives in Washington DC. Every word, every ceremony and every gesture.

    What we Masons do isn't secret or hidden.

    And there's nothing in the "oaths" that say members are not to "speak of the
    craft in public".

    About 10 or 15 years ago, the Grand Lodge gave a statement in their booklets
    "Texas Mason" that's sent out to every member saying the same as I'm saying.
    Every once in a while, they'll restate it. This is because the people who
    don't know anything about Masonic work believes there's secrets and no one
    can say anything. This has driven down memberships through the years.

    The Grand Lodge, as well as most blue lodges, have websites for crying out
    loud! The Texas Mason booklet is on the website of present and past issues.
    You can read the same stuff I read every time I open the mailbox and receive
    my copy.

    For an organization that's being secretive, they aren't trying very hard.

    Here's an exerpt from the Grand Lodge's website:
    "Masons will find information about current events, news, educational
    materials and extensive resources.
    If you are not a Mason, we invite you to browse this web site, and then
    contact us to learn more about the Greatest Fraternity on Earth."

    If you notice, there's nothing about Masons needing to enter passwords to
    get secret information...or set their decoder rings to view the secret

    Any member of a AF&AM Masonic lodge (especially in Texas) would know all
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  14. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    You and Mark Johnson either are qualified to ask.. hehehe... Give it up
    shithead .. you and old usenet mason Mark done been exposed on the Masonic
    scam... LMAO
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  15. Louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Mark Johnson knows just enough usenet Masonry to think he could get away
    with posing as one.. He and Moran think if anyone ever questioned it, all
    they had to do was say..."can't tell you that .. it's a secret.. shhh"..
    ROTFL.... They are both piss ignorat impersonators working different sides
    of the street...
    Bill Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  16. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    And that's the best indication of how phoney someone is when they try and
    impersonate a Mason.

    The last one to ever tell me "it's a secret...can't talk about it" before I
    was initiated as an EA was the one I found out wasn't even a Mason. Day 1 of
    my EA work, Lester Pelton told me specifically about all that nonsense with

    If anyone ever wants to know who Lester Pelton is, he's the one who taught
    me my work. His picture is hanging in the auditorium at the Scottish Rite
    Temple in Dallas. He was up for being recommended and voted in 33rd before
    he died...but my step father had more votes cast for him instead. When it
    came right down to it, I would've much rather seen Lester receive the 33rd.

    Lester Pelton was KCCH and one of the most well known, and active members
    the Masonic work has had in Texas for many years. He was one of my
    investigators to recommend me and when the Worshipful Master went to place a
    teacher on me, he thought how mean and gruff Lester was and how we'd make a
    fitting pair. When he died, he had a cathedral FULL of Masons. To show the
    impact of his work, the minister asked for all who were taught by him to
    stand up. There were only a couple people left sitting....and that was just
    a sample of the people, the others couldn't make it or didn't know about the

    Yeah, we're REAL "secretive"!
    Brian Walker, Jan 14, 2005
  17. You and Mark Johnson either are qualified to ask.. hehehe... Give it up
    shithead .. you and old usenet mason Mark done been exposed on the Masonic
    scam... LMAO[/QUOTE]

    so you aren't an active Lodge member because you can't afford the dues?
    another viewer, Jan 15, 2005
  18. "another viewer"
    replying to

    asked a pointed question...

    Oh man BURN!

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 15, 2005
  19. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    so you aren't an active Lodge member because you can't afford the dues?[/QUOTE]

    Funny, but I could've sworn you were going to see all I posted and threaten
    to turn me in to the Masonic police or something. Why not send the Grand
    Worshipful Master an email and tell him I'm giving out "secrets" by posting
    their "secret" website address and saying "K.C.C.H.". I hear it's expulsion
    for the mere mention of the degrees in public.
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
  20. Louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    I don't know what you're High 5'ing about, you should be more worried about
    what I might post about you.
    Brian Walker, Jan 15, 2005
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