No new headers?!?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Cattell, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. Bill Cattell

    louie Guest

    U no that is a good question? There were 2 Bill's riding with us,
    probably a 50/50.

    louie, May 5, 2007
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  2. Bill Cattell

    Ari Rankum Guest

    That is so inscrutable, it must be cool. Props!
    Ari Rankum, May 5, 2007
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  3. Bill Cattell

    Ed Hart Guest

    Damn Louie.Some people could take that the wrong way.We might be gay.
    Ed Hart, May 5, 2007
  4. Bill Cattell

    Ed Hart Guest

    I knew it.Ari thinks were gay.
    Ed Hart, May 5, 2007
  5. Bill Cattell

    Bill Walker Guest

    WTF is all the "rating" crap of yours, Bjay ? That's about the silliest
    shit I've ever heard.. Kinda like all the bullshit going on at another
    newsgroup.. If you like that kind of nonsense.. feel free to join in.. and
    get with it.. Meantime .. isn't the same type newsgroup ..
    Anyone is welcome to participate, but it is mostly like the name says..
    Texas.. That's a regional nom.

    hmmm.. If you are so interested in all this other bullshit.. get your ass
    on that maintainance deprived motorcycle and get to it.. I do that quite a
    bit.. even in another country..

    While you are at it.. just try to find some of these .. hmmm.. "cyber
    friendlies" ..

    Whew.. besides all that.. you agitating asshole.. you started this whole
    thing with me, Ari Rankum.. Don Binns and these idiots Keith Schiffner and
    Vic.. for what.. "ratings".. or just the "fun of it"..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 5, 2007
  6. Bill Cattell

    Vic Guest

    Good point Bill,

    Yup, if it weren't for that darned BJay, we'd all probably be real close
    buddies right now, lol. Shame on you BJay !!!!

    Group huh??...... anyone?......... hello....... is this thing on?

    Vic, May 5, 2007
  7. Bill Cattell

    BJayKana Guest

    --Ohhhh wait you said 'pole', not 'poll'.......... nevermind.......

    Hey I did type ''pole'', where'd I git that, did Brian type ''pole'',
    nah, it was just my typical typing typo error, I am ate up with ''typo
    errors'' ask any of 'em around here. I guess we could ''poll' that--r'
    ''pole'' that, rat., I mean right. (Bshit.) -grin-
    BJayKana, May 5, 2007
  8. Bill Cattell

    BJayKana Guest

    Louieg pitches in trying to explain---''Big Ed furnishes BJay poles. He
    slipped him a couple up in Ark.
    ..louie )

    There ya' go. Yes and those $5 Cuban Joints were mighty refreashing,
    thanks again' Ed.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, May 5, 2007
  9. Bill Cattell

    BJayKana Guest

    Big Ed, thought of 'something'??

    ''Damn Louie.Some people could take that the wrong way.We might be gay.

    40 years ago, one could be right out gay, and it was okay. (Gay, in
    those days meant friendlyness. So, Ed, we might qualify under those old
    terms.) I remember knowing Gals, whos name was Gay.

    Also, in that time ''a joint'' meant a bad place to go, like
    ''BeerJoint''. (Merle Haggart, ''Okie from Muskogee")

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, May 5, 2007
  10. Bill Cattell

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill Walker straightens out Ol'Bowie County B-Jay. by saying this:
    (Note; And a good job, I might add)

    (here it goes)
    ‘‘WTF is all the "rating" crap of yours, Bjay ? That's about the
    silliest shit I've ever heard.. Kinda like all the bullshit going on at
    another newsgroup.. If you like that kind of nonsense.. feel free to
    join in.. and get with it.. Meantime .. isn't the same
    type newsgroup ..

    Anyone is welcome to participate, but it is mostly like the name says..
    Texas.. That's a regional nom.
    hmmm.. If you are so interested in all this other bullshit.. get your
    ass on that maintainance deprived motorcycle and get to it.. I do that
    quite a bit.. even in another country..

    While you are at it.. just try to find some of these .. hmmm.. "cyber
    friendlies" ..

    Whew.. besides all that.. you agitating asshole.. you started this whole
    thing with me, Ari Rankum.. Don Binns and these idiots Keith Schiffner
    and Vic.. for what.. "ratings".. or just the "fun of it"..
    Bill Walker ’’

    There ya go-----Now, back to UseNet fun.
    ( You know you like a little bit of UseNet confrontation.)

    I started what? Agitaing asshole? geeez, Bill, are you taking about me.
    Geezz, I dont recall saying anything negative anywhere on this fine
    group about anybody, since the Ozark Trip...?

    ''What?''Maintenance deprived? Hail’ not only did I put new Expensive
    Honda oil in the Big Valk, I even installed a brand new ''$10 oil plug''
    by way of ''re tapping''.

    I went to a lotta trouble to do proper maintenance, actually a lot more
    than usually required, shoot.

    (Note)Although I did have to sell my Saddle Bags, and, my wonderful
    trailer to pay for it, I might add. (kidding)

    However, on our Mena ride, the BigValk performed great. She would have
    done a lot more, If this Old', (almost blind, one Eye'd) Bowie county
    feller, could've rode like the devil, like you did.
    WTC (crap)

    regards friend, bjay.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, May 5, 2007
  11. Bill Cattell

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker straightens out Ol'Bowie County B-Jay. by saying this:
    (Note; And a good job, I might add)

    (here it goes)
    ''WTF is all the "rating" crap of yours, Bjay ? That's about the
    silliest shit I've ever heard.. Kinda like all the bullshit going on at
    another newsgroup.. If you like that kind of nonsense.. feel free to
    join in.. and get with it.. Meantime .. isn't the same
    type newsgroup ..

    Anyone is welcome to participate, but it is mostly like the name says..
    Texas.. That's a regional nom.
    hmmm.. If you are so interested in all this other bullshit.. get your
    ass on that maintainance deprived motorcycle and get to it.. I do that
    quite a bit.. even in another country..

    While you are at it.. just try to find some of these .. hmmm.. "cyber
    friendlies" ..

    Whew.. besides all that.. you agitating asshole.. you started this whole
    thing with me, Ari Rankum.. Don Binns and these idiots Keith Schiffner
    and Vic.. for what.. "ratings".. or just the "fun of it"..
    Bill Walker ''

    There ya go-----Now, back to UseNet fun.
    ( You know you like a little bit of UseNet confrontation.)

    I started what? Agitaing asshole? geeez, Bill, are you taking about me.
    Geezz, I dont recall saying anything negative anywhere on this fine
    group about anybody, since the Ozark Trip...?

    ''What?''Maintenance deprived? Hail' not only did I put new Expensive
    Honda oil in the Big Valk, I even installed a brand new ''$10 oil plug''
    by way of ''re tapping''.

    I went to a lotta trouble to do proper maintenance, actually a lot more
    than usually required, shoot.

    (Note)Although I did have to sell my Saddle Bags, and, my wonderful
    trailer to pay for it, I might add. (kidding)

    However, on our Mena ride, the BigValk performed great. She would have
    done a lot more, If this Old', (almost blind, one Eye'd) Bowie county
    feller, could've rode like the devil, like you did.
    WTC (crap)

    regards friend, bjay.

    Yep.. that old "maintainance deprived" (Louie's description) Valkyrie ran
    real good on that Arkansas meander.. hmmm.. Damned shame a bout
    having to sell those good looking bags.. lol.. From what I hear about it..
    the trailer was no great loss, though.. ref.. "drain plugs, etc."

    BTW.. those old yankee boys don't get it, anyway.. Take care..

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    Bill Walker, May 5, 2007
  12. Bill Cattell

    Brian Walker Guest

    Speaking of kicking someone's ass, I seem to recall helping you
    install a something or two on your Goldwing. Now when I spent the
    entire day working to install a GPS on my Bird, I kept looking around
    for you...and you weren't there. What's up with that? I still don't
    have that GPS completely connected up....
    Brian Walker, May 6, 2007
  13. Naw I'd he's just another good for nuthin' Honky. ;^)
    Keith Schiffner, May 6, 2007
  14. Bill Cattell

    redshad Guest

    WTF?? How long does it take to install a GPS. Mine installed in 5
    minutes. We were over at Louies waiting on you to come over so we
    could get that little job done and you never showed up. We waited all

    redshad, May 6, 2007
  15. Bill Cattell

    Brian Walker Guest

    5 minutes?

    See if you'd have bought a TomTom, you'd be spending your time
    ordering parts, then re-ordering the right parts, then waiting another
    week for those parts to come in. TomToms are special high-end GPSs
    that require weeks and weeks of installation techniques!
    Brian Walker, May 6, 2007
  16. Bill Cattell

    redshad Guest

    Look on the side where the strap goes...Get longer strap..put around
    neck..ear bud in ear and your done.

    redshad, May 6, 2007
  17. Bill Cattell

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill, you're right Louie was the guy who referred to my Version of a
    Valkyrie, ''maintenence deprived'', that darn rascal.

    Yeah, I was disappointed in my ''lawn Mower'' trailer. Maybe it would
    have done better, If I'd not used those two old 2x6's for ramps. I
    shouldve known better.
    Cost me a dollar or two. <g>

    regards to ya today.

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, May 6, 2007
  18. Bill Cattell

    Calgary Guest

    But with who is the question.


    24 hours in a day
    24 beer in a case


    I think not
    Calgary, May 6, 2007
  19. Bill Cattell

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well damn, Bjay.. I watched an old boy in the Stroker's parking lot..
    load a big old Harley in the back of a pickup truck.. on a two by four..
    He backed off .. took a good run up that 2X4 .. I'm sure he was air-
    borne for a coupla feet and set that big motorcycle down in the dead
    center of that pickup truck bed.. phew.. I don't know what kept him
    from running through the cab of the truck, the speed he was going, but
    it was picture perfect..

    A bunch of us were sitting there watching while he set the whole thing
    up and were waiting to see the hellacious wreck when he tried to climb
    that 2X4.. All of us sat there with our mouths open and eyes bugged
    out when he shut that thing down, in perfect position..

    Someone in the crowd finally told us.. the guy did that all the time and
    worked at Stroker's.. That's pretty much what he did.. loading and un-
    loading motorcycles onto almost every kind of rig that could be imag-
    ined.. LOL.. The dude must have nerves of steel..
    Bill Walker, May 6, 2007
  20. Bill Cattell

    Ed Hart Guest

    TBD-Time to teach Top Posting.Thumbing down is getting old.
    Ed Hart, May 6, 2007
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