[QUOTE="Bill Walker"] LMAO.. Ari hasn't forgotten a damned thing.. Even tried all that "calling bullshit .. face to face", as it were.. LOL.. As a matter of fact, you weren't even near the excitement. the day that Ol' Ari got hysterical and dropped his motorcycle.. Soooo.. you have no idea what took place and what caused it.. Old news now, but.. a full account of that little episode was posted just a couple of days after it happened.. A few feeble efforts were made, but there were enough witnesses who were ACTUALLY there (you certainly aren't included in that group) found out a lot about some of these "bad boys" that have been cavorting on usenet.. I'm not critiquing ol'Ari for dropping his bike, but for writing usenet checks that he couldn't cash.. Ari Rankum is a cowardly prick that made quite a few broad statements on usenet and when he found himself "face to face".. he lost it.. ROTFL.. There again.. that old boy had made some rash statements about what he'd do to the Walkers' .. When he determined that they would be at the little shindig he'd helped to organize and plan.. (he was well on his way to the party) he cancelled his trip and went back home.. The excuse came several days later, when he tried to cover.. That excuse was so fucking lame it embarrassed me, all the way down here in Texas.. LMAO LOL.. Damn.. I just love all this.. Keith Shittless is one of the biggest phonies on usenet.. That little cowardly bedwetter has never been closer to combat than the enlisted men's club in South Korea.. Claiming that he's a combat veteran is comparable to the kid flying a model airplane claiming he's a jet pilot.. The cowardly little fuckhead was an army nurse.. When the strain be- came too much for him, he commenced wetting his bed to get himself a medical discharge.. He'd already gotten himself in hot water using the drugs that were available to him in his MOS.. After the Army Brass got through with him in Ft.Hood Texas.. he was sent to Ft.Lewis Washington to be processed out.. Keith Shittless has been squealling about what he'd do to the Walkers for years.. He was 170 miles away and passed right by us, wonder why he didn't attend to all that, then.. LOL.. Being a veteran.. I've been very active in veteran's affairs .. That being said.. anyone that tries to pass himself off as some kind of gung ho Rambo, just because he's worn the uniform is beneath my contempt.. Anyone that'll defend the sorry mother fucker is just as contemptible.. (that's you).. Ol' Keiffie's latest threat to me has gotta be the joke of the year.. Old age will overcome me before that wormy little shithead could be dragged near me.. LOL I feel pretty near the same damned way about your sorry shit that you come up with, on usenet.. LMAO..[/QUOTE] Yep.. sure no "secret" there.. LOL.. You've never laid eyes on either of the Walkers, and it is far more than likely that you and ol' Keith Shitless never will.. (even though, there are so many folks who'd love to see that, including me).. Both of you hysterical little idiots are funny as hell .. With all that dislike and bullshit of yours.. neither one of you gutless morons are silly enough to