No drag bars here !

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Anonymous, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Anonymous, Aug 15, 2008
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  2. Anonymous

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Unless you're an Orangutan.
    All I can say is... Ugly and too pricey.

    Rogue Rider, Aug 15, 2008
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  3. Anonymous

    Rogue Rider Guest

    Saving so much by not paying taxes, one could probably afford it, I
    I'm not Louie but I know of a deep lake that would take care of it,
    although they kinda frown on trash being dumped there. Lots of
    bikinis on the weekends. You'd probably get sidetracked... or
    somebody would. ;)

    Rogue Rider, Aug 15, 2008
  4. Anonymous

    louie Guest

    Bush it. I like bushes for cleaning, and polishing.

    louie, Aug 15, 2008
  5. Anonymous

    bj_kana Guest

    ==the only problem, only one that keeps me from buying that Bike, is
    in the ''Ad, it said it will melt the tires''. Do you know how much a
    set of those particular tires cost? unnnnnnnhuh, see what I
    mean. JayT=
    bj_kana, Aug 15, 2008
  6. Anonymous

    bj_kana Guest

    ===see there Precision, see what you can learn on this fine group.
    ''How,why and where to buy used motorsikels'', and how to 'warsh a
    bike without using water, using rainX is okay if you dont mind buying
    a WindShield three times a year. 'tire patching is fine and dandy if
    you can find someone to do it, and lastly 'what ''road'' lane not to
    Ride in'',, and on, and on. MrJayT=
    bj_kana, Aug 15, 2008
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