Nitrogen inflation

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by James Galloway, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. I awoke with a hangover in a strange house as I heard that.
    Pisshead Pete, Aug 29, 2003
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  2. *High-pitched Heeheeheeheehee*

    Donald Duck Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Aug 29, 2003
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  3. The wheels on my plane spin all the time unless I put the parking brake on
    after I take off. The have wind reducing fairings which cover the top two
    thirds of the wheels and the wind only hits the bottom of the tyres which
    spins them up.

    This of course doesn't work if you have a plane with retracting landing gear
    or a plane without wheel fairings.

    Geoff and Jodie
    Geoff and Jodie, Aug 29, 2003
  4. Fuggen bastard... got his own plane... and Theo cops all the ivory jokes...
    Intact Kneeslider, Aug 29, 2003
  5. James Galloway

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Yep; I hear they just gave it to him too!
    [No wonder he need armoured leathers for all us genuine WORKING men throwing rocks at him!]
    Knobdoodle, Aug 29, 2003
  6. On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 05:38:29 UTC, "Intact Kneeslider"

    } Also, many a wheelie has been landed with a stationary front wheel from
    } speeds of the order of jetliner landing, and you don't see those tyres
    } exploding too often...

    I suppose I don't need to tell you about the difference in rotational

    I'm with Theo. A small hydraulic motor to bring the wheels up to
    roughly the speed at which the plane would touch down may save quite a
    bit of wear. And it has several minutes at minimum to do this, so it
    doesn't have to be large and heavy either.

    // Rik Steenwinkel '85 R80ST Skippy bike
    // Enschede '91 R100GS/PD The Great Unwashed
    // Netherlands ('76 Honda CB250G Bouwpakketje)
    // "Far away is only far away '90 K75C Kommutabike
    // if you don't go there" '81 MZ TS250/1+LSW Badkuip
    Rik Steenwinkel, Aug 29, 2003
  7. James Galloway

    Nev.. Guest

    Yes, those wheels without fairings don't turn at speed and look surprisingly
    fixed till you step one one and it spins you off coz the bluddy pilot didn't
    put the brakes on.

    '02 CBR1100XX #2
    Nev.., Aug 29, 2003
  8. James Galloway

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Wheel fairing are for soft buttery wheel-poofters!
    (Boris told me so)

    (PS.. Boris is a dirty mongrel PLAGIARIST!!
    In the Dumb and Dumber story last issue he mentioned that something was bad because it "causes arse-cancer".
    That's MY friggin' saying!!
    I said that Pisshead not wearing a helmet through the Snowies causes arse-cancer in an Access letter and HE
    STOLE IT!!
    Bastard!) [secretly chuffed]
    Knobdoodle, Aug 29, 2003
  9. James Galloway

    RM Guest

    y not just put a little hugger thing over the top quarter of the wheel?
    this would create a spinning effect no?

    Someone let Nev.. at loose on an internet connection
    and the result was:
    RM, Aug 29, 2003
  10. James Galloway

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    I like my wines on the four-star+ side of sweet. If Emu Bitter is an
    example of dry beer you can have it.
    Dry ginger is that way because people mix it with Bourbon.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 29, 2003
  11. James Galloway

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Conrad" wrote
    Gee, I never knew that.

    Theo Bekkers, Aug 29, 2003
  12. That is the sort of thing I'm talking about, but the wheel fairings are more
    aero dynamic than that. with all three wheel fairings fitted the plane
    cruises (at the same revs) 5 knots faster than it does without them.

    Geoff and Jodie
    Geoff and Jodie, Aug 29, 2003
  13. I reckon Kiwipete is actually Boris's long lost love child!
    bad because it "causes arse-cancer".

    Prolly does then...
    arse-cancer in an Access letter and HE
    <mental picture of Boris with clems face>

    you know... that almost works :)

    Geoff and Jodie
    Geoff and Jodie, Aug 29, 2003
  14. That´ll teach you to step out of a perfectly good plane...
    Pisshead Pete, Aug 29, 2003
  15. Damn, it made me go out and buy a $300 helmet!
    Pisshead Pete, Aug 29, 2003
  16. James Galloway

    conehead Guest

    It's pretty sad when the only person who plagiarises you is Boris
    conehead, Aug 30, 2003
  17. James Galloway

    FuTAnT Guest

    She'd be pretty dry then too eh? Not what you want in a woman ...

    FuTAnT, Aug 30, 2003
  18. I don't know whether I'd care, Geoff... it's a crystal-clear morning in
    Canberra today, and looking up at the sky straps the same out-of-reach-dream
    weight around my chest as it did 25 years ago.
    Intact Kneeslider, Sep 1, 2003
  19. Jokes are like opinions... they don't have to be any good to qualify for the
    Intact Kneeslider, Sep 1, 2003
  20. James Galloway

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    "Intact Kneeslider" wrote

    They were jokes?

    Theo Bekkers, Sep 1, 2003
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