Nipping about?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by tariq, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. tariq

    tariq Guest

    Say you're riding along a motorway/dual carriageway and the traffic's
    moving fastish 60-70 (well fastish for a cage) but it's quite heavy.

    Do you stay in the fast lane keeping up with the flow - or do you nip
    in between lanes two and three to make progress through the traffic?

    I'm not really talking about lane-splitting 'cos that would just be
    silly at those speeds wouldn't it? but just dodging throught the gaps
    like. I've done this and I've seen other riders doing it - not that
    you see many of them at this time of year - on my way into work (A41,
    M1) But, I've read that the Old Bill classify this kind of riding as
    dangerous driving, and will throw the proverbial book at you if you
    get caught.

    What do you lot think?

    tariq, Nov 25, 2003
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  2. tariq

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Paging darcy and Adie.
    Sean Doherty, Nov 25, 2003
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  3. tariq

    Sean Doherty Guest

    Ahem. I mean darsy, natch.
    Sean Doherty, Nov 25, 2003
  4. tariq

    Rexx Guest

    If it's reasonably safe to do so, I will. Especially if the crappy traffic
    flow is due to people using the lanes incorrectly, and constantly cruising
    in the fast lane, without dropping back a lane when it's clear ahead.
    Rexx, Nov 25, 2003
  5. tariq

    ogden Guest

    Umm, would it? Bugger. Silly old me.
    ogden, Nov 25, 2003
  6. tariq

    Jeremy Guest

    And bad lane discipline is due in part to people continually referring
    to the outside lane as the 'fast lane'.
    Jeremy, Nov 25, 2003
  7. tariq

    YTC#1 Guest

    Its *NOT* a fast lane !
    I use the "bike" lane, the one on the inside that is empty 80% of the time due
    to the MLOs.
    YTC#1, Nov 25, 2003
  8. tariq

    Rexx Guest

    I may be wrong, but the outside lane is the one nearest the outside of the
    road, not the central barrier, right? :)

    Acceleration lane, then.
    Rexx, Nov 25, 2003
  9. tariq

    Pip Guest

    It is indeed.
    No (superfluous smiley noted).
    That would be a slip road etc., wouldn't it?

    Do it the proper way - Lane 1, Lane 2, Lane 3 (add more numbers as
    required) where Lane 1 is the leftmost (apart from the hard shoulder,
    you pedantic geek).
    Pip, Nov 25, 2003
  10. Oh dear, oh dear. If you must call it something then call it the
    overtaking lane. For it is for that purpose for which it is to be
    used. Once you've finished overtaking get back over to the left. The
    Highway Code refers to the three lanes of a motorway as left, centre
    and right hand lanes. All this other crap, "slow lane, fast lane"
    etc. is crap used by muppets who don't know how to drive on motorways.

    RTFM at:

    HTH, HAND, etc.

    Andy Cunningham
    Stockholm, Sweden
    The UKRM FAQ:
    Andy Cunningham, Nov 25, 2003
  11. *waves* summons for due care and attention.

    yep they seem to but I guess I'll find out sometime after the 4th Dec.

    Adie - capable of leading darsy astray.
    (replace spam with nickname to reply)

    Triumph T595 / FZ750 / GSF600 bandit (pending)
    Adrienne M Jenn, Nov 25, 2003
  12. tariq

    Platypus Guest

    Ahem. 0a, 1, 1a, 2, 2a (in contraflow). But I was young and stupid

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT, Z200
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Nov 25, 2003
  13. tariq

    Pip Guest

    Sweet ;-)
    Aye, acknowledged - you may wish to add 2b on occasion - for going
    past slowly-filtering cunts with small bottles only willing to do 120
    in 50mph traffic.
    I fucking resent that, you specky twat. There's some lovely bits of
    3a round here, all asphalted and everyfink. Come to that, there's a
    real dodgy bit just South of Leicester on the Northbound M1 where the
    road dips and curves right - and a swathe of virgin tarmac appears,
    looking just like Lane 4. Only the presence of the rumble strip under
    my arse told me I was closing on a stationary overbridge at 140 ...
    Pip, Nov 25, 2003
  14. tariq

    Pip Guest

    There is a peculiar sense of satisfaction I feel, doing a steady 90 up
    Lane 1, glancing at the nose-to-tail, bumpertobumper cunts in Mundanes
    doing 45 in Lanes 2 and 3.
    Are they the same as the CLOC? (Centre Lane Owners Club)
    Pip, Nov 25, 2003
  15. tariq

    darsy Guest

    Or me, the other day on 2 lane + 2 buslane road:

    Lane 1 : notice car A in front is decellerating rapidly, notice CD has
    no change of stopping, I pull into...
    Lane 0a : notice bus pulling out of buslane, to get around Van B
    (parked in buslane) which is causing car A the need to slow down
    quickly, I pull into...
    Lane 1b/lane 2 : get alongside Car A, when he decides to enter Lane 2
    (oncoming traffic lane) to get around the bus after all, I pull
    Lane 3 : (oncoming buslane), overtake Car A (in Lane 2), and Bus (in
    Lane 1), back into Lane 1, procede as normal.

    I'm just stupid.
    darsy, Nov 25, 2003
  16. tariq

    christofire Guest

    Nah - you've not lived until you've overtaken, using the opposite cycle
    lane, a bike overtaking a car overtaking a car.
    christofire, Nov 25, 2003
  17. tariq

    christofire Guest

    Er, it's a normal driving lane, and then however many overtaking lanes.
    So calling it *the* overtaking lane doesn't narrow it down to one lane
    unless you're on the M65 or similar.
    christofire, Nov 25, 2003
  18. tariq

    Pip Guest

    I ride a bike to make progress. If I wanted to sit in cossetted
    comfort, surrounded by the smell of leather, port and good cigars,
    being gently massaged by the sub-seat subwoofers whilst resetting the
    cruise control to 20mph, I'd travel by car. I don't.

    My concentration levels falter if I'm not on the case, so making
    progress is far safer for me than sitting in traffic. TBH, if I'm
    doing 3-figure speeds, my observation is pretty much as good as I can
    get it, I have all radars turned on and I'm doing a fucking lighthouse
    impersonation all at the same time. Doesn't half make the time (and
    distance) fly by ;-)
    Yeah, **** it. If the traffic is, for whatever reason, travelling at
    a speed that is comfortable for me, I'll waft along with it. This,
    however, is rare. Rare to the point of sexual fantasy realisation.
    Lane splitting, by which I take you to mean riding down the
    steel-walled canyon between vehicles, is as safe as houses (in the
    current market) as even fuckwitted car drivers very rarely drive into
    the side of another car. I reckon you're actually safer passing
    between cars than doing the undertaking thing.

    Undertaking is fine - there is no specific offence called undertaking
    - and is the only way to travel along our crowded (with incompetent,
    ignorant cunts) motorways. I reckon there is a certain rhythm to be
    found, and you soon pick up the sort of drivers who will pull over on
    you and spoil your day. I do give some thought to "minimising
    exposure", by backing off a little as the rear of the undertakee is
    approached, then gassing it past IYSWIM.
    Some might. If you are riding in such a manner as to cause drivers to
    swerve or brake, you might attract Plod's attention. It is a good
    idea to keep your eyes open, especially in these days of the
    proliferation of unmarked Police vehicles, so that you don't hoon past
    Plod with millimetres to spare and then cut across his bows while
    braking like a twat. Apart from that, how the hell is he going to
    catch you ?

    Pip, Nov 25, 2003
  19. Oh alright Mr Picky Pants, I'll change my "the" to "an".

    Happy now?


    Andy Cunningham
    Stockholm, Sweden
    The UKRM FAQ:
    Andy Cunningham, Nov 25, 2003
  20. tariq

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    The latter
    This is true.

    Paging the orange one.

    "Kneesliders Sponsored by Cane"
    GSX-R1000 , Triumph Thunderbird, ZXR750L2 Racer(gone), GS500,
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply (our own endurance team)
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Alan.T.Gower, Nov 25, 2003
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