follow-up to: [URL][/URL] Today I got a letter in the post telling me that they've suspended my driving licence because I haven't submitted it, following my conviction. Then I opened the letter telling me that I've been convicted of something. It doesn't say how many points. It just says how much money (170ukp). So, given that they didn't tell me I'd have to go to court - do I have some sort of redress? What annoys me is what sneaky fuckers they were about the whole thing. I phoned them up to ask what the speed was, and what the likely scenario was, and the smooth-talking bitch conned me: "sign the NIP and send it back and we'll give you a FPN". Ha! The next I knew I had a thing saying that they'd see me in court and they'd let me know when, and thanks for admitting it, you thick cunt Mr Blaney sir. So I wrote to the Head of the paperwork division, and copied the Chief Constable, and explained that I was told something wholly different on the phone, and that I had just moved abroad, so they needed to give me time to get any letter telling me about a court date, and as they were taking me to court despite promising not to, would they please send me the fucking photo. And I never heard back.