NIP arrived

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Derek Turner, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. Derek Turner

    Derek Turner Guest

    Got my NIP yesterday for 37 in a 30 in the cage. Entirely my fault, my
    mind was elsewhere and they could legitimately do me for 'without due
    care and attention'. Guilty as hell, no excuses.

    AIUI I'm likely to be offered the 'course' instead of the the points on
    my entirely-unblemished-since-the-age-of-sixteen, not caught out in 36
    years of riding/driving licence.

    What's the FOAK reckon, given that when I AM concentrating I am very
    good at sticking to all but the NSL? Take the well-deserved points like
    a man or spend half a day being told what a naughty boy I am with a load
    of reps and boy-racers?

    tia Derek
    Derek Turner, Jan 19, 2007
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  2. Take the course. Law of Sod says you'll get another NIP.

    Alison Hopkins, Jan 19, 2007
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  3. Derek Turner

    CT Guest

    The latter.

    If it's good enough for my mum. And Champ...
    CT, Jan 19, 2007
  4. Derek Turner

    Paul - xxx Guest

    IMHO, [1] I'd sit with the chavs, if it's offered which isn't a
    certainty, and try not to get any points on the licence.

    [1] Which can, in this regard, probably be taken with a piunch of salt,
    as I once had 21 points [2] on my licence ... ;)
    [2] It's all on usenet, somewhere, of how I got this many and still kept
    the licence.
    Paul - xxx, Jan 19, 2007
  5. Derek Turner

    Alan Crowder Guest

    Round our way (Thames Valley) you only get offerd the course if your within
    four miles an hour over. Her indoors was 34 and got it, i was 35 and didnt,
    she asked at the place and thats what they said.

    So bend over and take your punishment.

    Alan Crowder, Jan 19, 2007
  6. Derek Turner

    Kevin Stone Guest

    AIUI I'm likely to be offered the 'course' instead of the the points on my
    Does doing the course mean anything in future? Do you have to declare it? Or
    do you do the course and forget all about it?
    Kevin Stone, Jan 19, 2007
  7. Derek Turner

    Derek Turner Guest

    Here in Leicester I'm told that 36-39 get offered the course 40+ there's
    no choice. YMMV and I may be misinformed, I'll wait and see.
    Derek Turner, Jan 19, 2007
  8. Derek Turner

    Rich Guest

    Champ wrote:

    || If you get offered a course, it would seem a no-brainer to me. The
    || cost of the course is slightly higher than the fine, but then you
    || don't have the points on your licence.

    I would take the course too, no argument. But bear in mind that 3 points
    these days is nothing - I've had dealings with several insurers for various
    vehicles over the last couple of years, and they've all said that 3 points
    is ignored. Basically, now that lots of (most?) people have at least 3,
    it's no longer a useful way of distinguishing between levels of risk. And
    that was from Saga, of all people.

    It's all down to how proud you are of your clean licence. I would have
    taken a course at twice the level of the fine just to keep my licence clean,
    but it wasn't on offer here. Realistically, the points are an irritation
    rather than a problem.


    2001 Disco II ES auto
    1971 S2a 88" petrol
    2005 XT660R

    Take out the obvious to email me.
    Rich, Jan 19, 2007
  9. Derek Turner

    Adrian Guest

    Rich () gurgled happily, sounding much like they were
    saying :
    On renewal this year, I was told that 12 points within 5 years, 6 current,
    was ignored... Which was nice.
    Adrian, Jan 19, 2007
  10. As a matter of interest what do the insurers formerly known as Aunty
    Carole think about this?
    (No2 son [aged 20] just got his first ticket!)

    Chris D
    Chris N Deuchar, Jan 22, 2007
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