nighthawk 550 electrical problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by jlpridge, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. jlpridge

    jlpridge Guest


    I am going to purchase a stator for this bike. I hav
    reached this decision because of the test results from the Clyme
    manual. There are five leads coming from the stator, 3 yellow, on
    white and one black. The resistance tests for the three yellow lead
    test within specs. However the test of the resistance between the whit
    and the black lead failed. The result in specs would be 4-6 ohms wherea
    mine measures 1 ohm. And of course it failed the open circuit test yo
    had me do. Do you have any other advice before I replace this stator.
    have found a company who rebuilds them for less than $100 includin
    shipping with a 1 year warranty.

    jlpridge, Oct 3, 2005
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  2. Jeff,

    Was it determined that this is an excitable field alternator with brushes?

    R. Pierce Butler, Oct 4, 2005
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  3. Well, $100 for a stator sounds like a good deal, if you really *need*
    the stator. Have you pulled off the alternator cover to see if the
    rotor is actually *turning* when the engine is running? It's possible
    that the rotor isn't turning, or that what you actually have is an
    excited field alternator with brushes.

    If you take off that alternator cover, you'll either see a cooling fan
    (like in the parts fiche at or you'll see the
    rigging for brushes.

    An excited field alternator won't pass the charging voltage test or the
    open circuit test if it's not getting DC voltage from the battery,
    through the brushes, to the rotor.

    Another guy had a CB650 and he was having problems and he also
    mentioned black and white wires going to his alternator. Those were the
    wires from the voltage regulator to the brushes.

    I'm curious as to what the black and white wires you mention are for.
    The only other thing I can think of is that your ignition system is not
    just a transistor ignition but is actually Honda's so-called "CDI"
    ignition system.

    If that's what it has, the black and white wires could be coming from a
    winding in the stator that puts out 50 to 100 volts to provide high
    voltage to the CDI module.

    If your motorbike has a CDI ignition system, you wouldn't get 12 volts
    on the ignition coil positive terminals when you turn the ignition key
    on, you'd get 50 or 100 volts when the engine was running and less when
    you were cranking the engine with the starter.
    krusty kritter, Oct 4, 2005
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