nighthawk 550 electrical problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by jlpridge, Oct 1, 2005.

  1. jlpridge

    jlpridge Guest


    Well as the old saying goes "more will be revealed." I believ
    the alternator is brushless. I have conducted yet another test found i
    the clymer manual. It is the test of the ignition pulse generator. Th
    test has you check the resistance of both pickups. The correc
    resistance is 330 ohms. One pickup tested fine. The other had n
    reading at all. If my suspicions are right I will check this again thi
    evening after letting the bike sit all day and the one that tested ba
    will test good. I believe this will be the case because the bike run
    fine when it has sat for five or six hours then as it heats up it run
    like crap. It would really be nice if I could talk with you onth
    phone. I would understand if that is not convienient for you. You hav
    been a great help and I appreciate your help very much. If we coul
    talk you can email me your number at
    jlpridge, Oct 1, 2005
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