Nice bike ;o)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Steve Parry, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

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  2. Steve Parry

    Klaatu Guest

    Klaatu, Dec 2, 2003
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  3. Steve Parry

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Dec 2, 2003
  4. In, Cane said:
    That's just what I was thinking. The more she took off the worse it got.
    Whinging Courier, Dec 2, 2003
  5. Steve Parry

    mups Guest

    Women are like Christmas presents, most of them are much better with the
    wrapping still on.
    mups, Dec 2, 2003
  6. Steve Parry

    Manning Guest

    I love the all-weather riding stillettos she's wearing.
    Manning, Dec 2, 2003
  7. Steve Parry

    elyob Guest

    elyob, Dec 2, 2003
  8. Steve Parry

    Cane Guest

    Cane, Dec 2, 2003
  9. Steve Parry

    Klaatu Guest

    You do ?
    Klaatu, Dec 2, 2003
  10. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

    Steve Parry, Dec 2, 2003
  11. Steve Parry

    plutonic Guest

    In, Whinging Courier said:
    She can't be ALL bad - dropped her troosers but her lid is all nicely
    looked after.

    plutonic, Dec 2, 2003
  12. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

    excellent ripost ;o)

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 2, 2003
  13. Steve Parry

    Manning Guest

    Yes, there's certainly a lot of it in Sydney. A large percentage of the
    participants seems to be young British lads however - I guess this adds a
    whole new meaning to the idea of a 'gap' year.

    Manning, Dec 2, 2003
  14. Steve Parry

    Manning Guest

    Ah, but you lined it up so well...

    Cheers Manning
    Manning, Dec 2, 2003
  15. Egyptian Magician, Dec 2, 2003
  16. Steve Parry

    CT Guest

    I saw plenty of it when I was in Sydney. Serves me right for not
    doing my research and staying on a hotel on Oxford Street.[1]
    I think there may have been some kind of festival on.

    [1] Equivalent of Old Compton Street[2] in London.
    [2] The gay district for those that don't know.
    CT, Dec 2, 2003
  17. Steve Parry

    Steve Parry Guest

  18. Steve Parry

    Manning Guest

    Manning, Dec 2, 2003
  19. Steve Parry

    Klaatu Guest

    This has been going on for hundreds of years
    Klaatu, Dec 2, 2003
  20. No, no, the first dodgy young British lads were sent to Oz as
    *punishment*, they didn't go of their own accord.
    Power Grainger, Dec 2, 2003
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