[QUOTE="dwb"] Yes. [/QUOTE] What, like a tenner or something?
I had three x-rays for £15 a few weeks back. Mind you, it was of the same tooth as the stupid fucker kept missing. He declined my offer of photo montage services ...
I paid £15 yesterday for a checkup with an NHS dentist. He want £250 out of me for a crown but I can't see it's worth the money.
I would agree with you. I am not convinced any of the political parties have a proper answer to this problem. And as for the bloody Tories who caused the disaster in the first place ... Well I hate having dental treatment. However I had to have some earlier this year so I went back to where I had been registered previously and 5 minutes later was re-registered with an appointment booked. I was amazed given the pressure on London's health facilities and the general press about dentistry problems. The new dentist was delightful - by far the nicest appointment I've ever had. I've also seen the dental hygienist who is also very good and has taught me how to look after my teeth properly - only 35 years late but I suppose better late than never.
No how to do it *properly* with flossing and cleaning down to the gums and inter dental brushes and all that stuff. There was some mild gum disease and too much plaque build up. I now understand how to deal with that. I felt a bit silly having to be shown how to brush my teeth correctly but you're never too old to learn.
Yes, oop here in Durham we could only find one dentist that was taking new clients at all, and private only. It takes five weeks to get an appointment, and they've cancelled the last two. I am waiting to get a filling done from my only visit last August, and a replacement for a broken filling from January.
No, we haven't. It is indeed. Luckily, I have one, although he keeps trying to foist private work on me.. I have friends, though, who can't afford private and can't find and NHS one. It's a question I shall be putting in a letter to a couple of the local candidates. -- John SV650 Black it is and naked
In uk.rec.motorcycles, flash amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom: Sure is. I got a letter the other day saying my favoured dentist was buggering of and I'd now how to see Mr.Singh (or whatever his name is) Don't know if Singhey is NHS but it doesn't bode well.