On 1/6/10 I was "upgraded" to an ISP provider called Opal (formerly Pipex then Pipex Business). This seems to be part of a huge grouping of businesses bought by Talk Talk including Pipex, Tiscali, Bulldog and various other ISPs. Since the upgrade I have lost my newsgroup access. Most of the technical and customer support people have no clue what usenet actually is so you start at a massive disadvantage of having to educate the supplier's staff before they can begin to work out what you are talking about. Having spent inordinate amounts of time on the phone I was assured that the service has not been withdrawn but that there is a technical issue with the nntp server. Naturally enough this does not show up any service status webpage! Is anyone else on ukrm mad enough to still to be with Pipex (or rebranded option) and have they lost their usenet access? If you still have your service and have been upgraded anyone care to share what the settings are? I know IDNET is the supplier of choice - do they provide a news server? I couldn't see anything obvious on their website. As a final option any recommendations for a decent usenet feed - ideally free? I suspect the real answer is that the service has been scrapped but they haven't deigned to tell anyone.