ate UKRM!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Greybeard, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. Greybeard

    Greybeard Guest

    Been happily using the pikey service on above server for yonks now, with no
    problem and no cost.
    Last night, UKRM disappeared, along with a couple of other UK NG's.
    Looks like the Danes no longer like the UK'ers.
    Anybody recommend a decent news server?



    FLHRCI -01 UK ( 95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy!)
    Trumpet Trophy 1200 -91, for rainy days

    Greybeard, Nov 27, 2005
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  2. Greybeard

    BGN Guest

    ClaraNEWS or The German Server(tm)
    BGN, Nov 27, 2005
    1. Advertisements

  3. - it's not free but it's so cheap it's almost pikey.
    Excpet it isn't pikey - it rocks.


    B1200 - +30bhp ~|~ ZZR1100 - faster when upright
    V2300 - flat cap and rug ~|~ VS800 - borked
    A6 2.5TDi V6 Quattro Sport

    MIB#26 two#54(soiled) UKRMMA#26 BOTAFOT#153 X-FOT#003
    ÐoetÑietÇomputeren, Nov 27, 2005
  4. Greybeard

    David Mahon Guest

    Probably more to do with their change in policy and the fact that you're
    not Danish:

    New usenet access policy now active
    Saturday November 26th 2005
    As we announced earlier, our access policy to the usenet server would be
    changed on October 15th, 2005. Unfortunately there were some unexpected
    difficulties in implementing this policy in practice.

    The problems have now been solved, and as of tonight the new policy is
    active. In short this means that users connecting from a non-danish IP
    will only be able to access Open Source related groups and Danish news
    David Mahon, Nov 27, 2005
  5. Greybeard

    David Mahon Guest

    Unless you are Danish, in which case it's just down to their change in
    David Mahon, Nov 27, 2005
  6. Greybeard

    Greybeard Guest

    That'll be it then ;o(


    FLHRCI -01 UK ( 95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy!)
    Trumpet Trophy 1200 -91, for rainy days

    Greybeard, Nov 27, 2005
  7. Greybeard

    Greybeard Guest

    Used to be with these guys until they started charging!
    Looks like I'll have to pay-up then.
    Whatever happened to the "free internet?"


    FLHRCI -01 UK ( 95 cu-in Stg 2. Big Boy!)
    Trumpet Trophy 1200 -91, for rainy days

    Greybeard, Nov 27, 2005
  8. Greybeard

    BGN Guest

    Build your own NNTP server.
    BGN, Nov 27, 2005
  9. Greybeard

    Cab Guest

    Very nice idea. Still needs an upstream server to connect to though,
    Cab, Nov 27, 2005
  10. Greybeard

    David Mahon Guest

    If you've got your own news server in place, correctly set up on a
    static IP address, there are plenty of upstreams - available free. If
    you're serious about doing it email me and I'll point you in the right
    David Mahon, Nov 27, 2005
  11. David Mahon wrote
    Why bother? I mean, apart from the fact that any ISP worthy of the name
    provides Usenet as a part of the deal, what is the point of setting up
    you own server?

    In order to get news to your local client you have to read from an
    upstream server somewhere, why waste ticks duplicating the process

    In order to reply to news you need to be able to post to an upstream
    server somewhere so why waste ticks duplicating the process locally?

    Given that everything you need is already in place and available
    upstream just get yourself a half decent newsreader and read the fucking
    help files on how to use it.
    steve auvache, Nov 27, 2005
  12. Greybeard

    Cab Guest

    Thanks, but I've had my own news server(s) in place for years now. The
    OP, OTOH...
    Cab, Nov 27, 2005
  13. Greybeard

    David Mahon Guest

    Some people just like to do these things.
    You'll still need one of those, even with your own server.
    David Mahon, Nov 27, 2005
  14. Greybeard

    frag Guest

    steve auvache scribbled:
    frag, Dec 1, 2005
  15. frag wrote
    Look you are a nice, if somewhat slow, sort of a chap but even then why
    would I want more than one copy of your post? It and all the others
    associated with it are readily available for me to read and comment upon
    and delivered to my desktop anytime I want via my news client from my
    ISP, why on earth should I want to replicate the whole thing from other

    See my point above.

    My internet connection doesn't fail. The only thing that could affect
    that is either BT or this computer failing and if that were the case
    reading 3 thousand old ukrm posts really is going to be low on my list
    of priorities for today's ToDo list. YMMV.

    I can do that with my newsreader. Course it is worth pointing out that
    mine is a bought and paid for product what has turned out to be really
    rather good value for money over the last %YEARSONLINE.

    See my reply given to your previous point.

    Yes I can but I do not and I fail to understand why you do.

    I don't know if I could run any of the *nix news servers under cygwin
    but if I can,[1] I can run a better one than you. I couldn't do it 24/7
    of course because I don't pay for always "always on" but it is near
    enough to be probably very similar in customer availability to anything
    my ISP may already be paid by me to supply for my use.

    In a sense I do have a pc in a cupboard somewhere (although I don't own
    it, I rent time on it) and it runs everything you listed and is
    virtually maintenance free from my pov.

    In addition it does a few other tasks for me entirely automatically.
    These include but are not limited to: virus detection, spam detection,
    network monitoring and fault handling, virtually limitless storage of
    media files and a few other bits and pieces. I am happy to say; by
    moving various functions (including most of the servers) upstream over
    the years, my "Internet Experience" is steadily improving.

    and believe it or not there is actually some truth in the old saying
    that wisdom comes with years. Of course what they miss out on saying
    entirely is that the facility to use the wisdom declines in pretty much
    the same proportions as it is gained so it all evens out in the end.

    [1] A punctuation question for the Classically Educated/Inclined FOAK.

    Just there I replaced a 'then' wiv a comma. Now, I know that if it had
    been a 'that' I could have slipped in a 100% correct use of a semi-colon
    for free without having to ask why and I wondered if I could do the same
    with a 'then' rather than a comma or is it always going to be a comma
    that doesn't scan right sometimes? A simple yes no answer will suffice,
    if there are any sub sets of rules that may, or may not, apply then life
    simply isn't fucking long enough for me to warrant the effort of paying
    attention for that long.
    steve auvache, Dec 1, 2005
  16. Greybeard

    frag Guest

    steve auvache? He'z just ziz guy, you know?

    You don't see more than one copy of any post. You get redundancy of
    news peers, so if one peer has missing articles (or is completely dead)
    your server gets the missing articles from somewhere else.

    What the client sees is a complete news feed for whatever groups you
    read, regardless of how iffy your ISPs NNTP server is.

    I'll expect the "BT are cunts" post tomorrow as water and ice get into
    your cable... :)

    And if you've got say 5 machines in your house, you're going to set
    that up individually on all 5? And that won't work anyway as I suspect
    each client doesn't share local groups with anything else.

    Mine is free, supported, and rather good. Can't get better value for
    money than that.

    See my reply given to your point before the previous point.

    Why not?

    The bandwidths sitting there, paid for. I don't use 100% of it 100% of
    the time, so why not help others out? Or is that not your style?


    Poor bait, even my cats won't touch it.

    You can't administer or set it up to do exactly what you want it to do.
    You share its resources with thousands of other people.

    And if you think you can, set up Samba on it, share some directories
    and adjust the firewall it sits behind so anyone can access them (for

    Also the fact that a file server at your ISP has far to slow a
    connection to be usable for what I need. I'm about to upgrade to
    gigabit networking cause the things I move about/use take too long now.

    So you like being spoon fed the services someone else decides you want,
    and having no control over them. Fine. Each to their own. AOL has lots
    of lusers that are perfectly happy.

    Don't forget ignorance and arrogance.
    frag, Dec 2, 2005
  17. frag wrote
    My server does this already, it is a part of what I pay F9 to do.

    Mine isn't The internet as a whole and Usenet in particular is very
    important to me and not just as a substitute for a life. If my ISP were
    not providing the level of service I require I would spend my money
    elsewhere but as it turns out they are more than up to the task.
    'Course if you are a pikey you will see a different level of service and
    moan "it isn't good enough," and then waste half your life trying to
    reinvent the wheel on the cheap.

    They fixed my cable (it only took 15 years) when I went to broadband a
    while back. I don't expect any more problems for a bit but if the
    buggers did cut me off then it would be from *every* server on the
    planet, except those I choose to run locally and they would be utterly
    pointless without their upstream feeds.

    Up to a maximum of 6 seats (it may be more) I can do that but as I
    mentioned I have a bought and paid for product and it is exactly the
    sort thing I would expect from proper software.

    Yours doesn't appear to have quite the functionality of mine.

    Who are these others who need helping out? More bleedin' pikeys?

    I don't do style, style is for followers.

    Snot bait, it is a fact of life. I can see from the replies you have
    given that you haven't got a fucking clue. If you had you wouldn't be
    wasting your time in the way that you do.

    I don't have to administer it, I pay for someone else to do that for me.

    Isn't this exactly what you are suggesting you do with yours.
    Newsgroups for the masses and all that shit. Difference is that they
    all pay a part for "my" computer's operating costs and are not a bunch
    of sorry arsed freeloaders like your mates. They are not really your
    mates you know this don't you? See how many of them still talk to you
    if you ask them to pay for reading news off your computer.

    I dunno about Samba but this sort of thing is already being done by my
    ISP, how many times do I have to tell you?

    I dunno how fast or slow my ISPs connections are. I guess though that
    as they are serving thousands like me it is a damn sight faster than
    anything you might envisage for your personal use. I suspect that a
    bottleneck, if any exists, is between me and BT and nothing to do with
    my ISP at all.

    I have as much control over them as I require. Which is why I employ
    others to do stuff on my behalf. What more do I need?

    Ignorance is something that diminishes with age, as you will find out,
    provided you make the effort to learn. Arrogance of course is the
    complete opposite.
    steve auvache, Dec 2, 2005
  18. Greybeard

    frag Guest

    steve auvache? He'z just ziz guy, you know?

    So you don't understand the first thing about NNTP servers yourself, as
    demonstrated above, and say I haven't a clue?

    In summary, you're old, sad *and* a fuckwit.

    But don't let me stop you pretending you know everything about
    everything, and continuing to be the groups resident fool.
    frag, Dec 2, 2005
  19. Greybeard

    David Mahon Guest

    Because it's my ISP.
    David Mahon, Dec 2, 2005
  20. frag wrote
    Oh, I understand the first thing and very probably the second too, which
    is why I have others do the work for me.

    Taken you a while to get there, I believe I commented on that earlier.

    I am a parent of course I know everything, there is nop need for

    Somebody has to fill the role.
    steve auvache, Dec 3, 2005
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