Evenin all. I've just been working out traffic numbers and suchlike for a news swerver... Going by Cabs stats, an average amount of posts to UKRM per day is a fraction over 1MB. Now, if each reader downloaded the whole of that 1MB of data, over a 256Kbps link (ADSL upload speed), it'd take them roughly 100 seconds. And there's roughly 850 X lumps of 100 seconds in 24 hours. So theoretically that 256Kbps link could support a max of 850 people reading & posting to UKRM. Anyone see any obvious balls ups in my "back of fag packet" calculations? If not can volunteers form an orderly email queue to get usernames & passwords to use my newsserver :-) Those people who like to sit there and hit "refresh" every 30 seconds and expect new posts to appear need not apply, as I synch with Zens and the german server every 10 mins or so. frag (bored & DFVing...)