Newcastle Toy Run Sunday 5/12/04

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Ross Slade, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. Ross Slade

    Ross Slade Guest

    It was good...daughter's friend from school now has a Vespa and daughter
    pillioned with her while I pillioned wifey...excellent day was has by all,
    but now I have a problem...

    Wanted: 125cc Vespa which has been well cared for and who's current owner
    would like it to go to a loving home...
    Ross Slade, Dec 5, 2004
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  2. Ross Slade

    John Littler Guest

    Get the 180cc (200cc in the current model IIRC) instead. More useable &
    flexible with the extra couple of hp and there's no noticeable weight

    (the 180 will do a 100Km/hr 2 up on the flat)
    John Littler, Dec 5, 2004
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  3. Ross Slade

    loftboy Guest

    I'm certainly glad I made the effort. Seeing all the bikes at the
    Markets & the ride in was a huge buzz. I just hope our small donation
    of presents can make a difference.

    It's really hard explaing to my 4yr old lad, that some kids don't get
    toys all the time like him. He keeps saying that they must have been
    "naughty" to not get presents.
    loftboy, Dec 5, 2004
  4. Ross Slade

    Gary Woodman Guest

    What's the point of posting this next Tuesday?

    Gary Woodman, Dec 6, 2004
  5. Ross Slade

    loftboy Guest

    Zeebee's post post about the upcoming Sydney Toy Run has just reminded
    me about the Newcastle one. Details lifted from with
    some edits from me.

    NEWCASTLE TOY RUN #27. Sunday, December 5.

    Assemble at the Newcastle Regional Fruit Markets in Rural Drive,
    Sandgate. Police Escort to Newcastle Foreshore (Foreshore Railway
    Common Area, Carriage Shed & Frog Pond). Assemble by 9:30 for a 10am
    departure. Contact Big John 0415 490 710. Charity the Salvos.

    This event shares the title of oldest Toy Run in OZ with the Melbourne
    run. In 1978, unknown to each other, Newcastle riders and the MRA in
    Victoria organised their first Toy Runs. Neither city has missed a
    year since.

    Different charities have different needs. Most can't use stuffed and
    or fluffy toys. Most want new, or good quality second-hand hard toys,
    kids books & games, clothes and tinned food. Please do not wrap your

    Unless told otherwise by organisers, cars, vans, utes etc. bearing
    gifts should go straight to the run's destination or follow the
    columns of bikes. Such present-carrying contrivances should be heavily
    decorated to distract from the unsightly extra wheels. Vehicles with
    more than 3 wheels are not allowed in the column for safety and image
    reasons. Road registered 4 wheeled bikes excepted.

    Please leave toys unwrapped.
    loftboy, Dec 7, 2004
  6. Ross Slade

    Ross Slade Guest

    The 200 seems twice the size of the 125 when you're 5'3" and 40kg... :cool:

    It'll have to a second hand one though, so we'll see what's available.

    Ross Slade, Dec 7, 2004
  7. Ross Slade

    John Littler Guest

    Ya reckon ? Get her to sit on them both in a showroom - they're both
    quite tall in the saddle but they don't weigh much, I couldn't feel any
    difference in weight (although granted I'm heavier than 40 Kg :) They
    are both the exact same physical dimensions (seat height, length etc)

    Vespa's are actually pretty crap as far as scooters go if you're
    vertically challenged ! They definitely look the coolest but maybe
    consider a different model - there's a couple of scooter dealers down
    here in Sydney she can get a look at some and get idea of what she likes at.

    John Littler, Dec 8, 2004
  8. Ross Slade

    loftboy Guest

    It was SATURDAY when I wrote the message. Somehow the date was screwed
    up on my PC & the post got date stamped as 7/12. That would explain
    why there are replies "before" the message was sent.
    loftboy, Dec 8, 2004
  9. Ross Slade

    rosco Guest

    I have to get her to look around...the Vespas are also more expensive than
    most. We have a couple of dealers up here too...Graeme Morris carries
    several brands and so does the dick at the Suzuki shop.
    rosco, Dec 9, 2004
  10. Ross Slade

    John Littler Guest

    The Vespas have the most street cred (and def look the coolest) but
    probably the best scooter in terms of handling, power to weight etc I've
    seen are the Yamaha Majesty and the Suzuki Burgman. Both have low seats
    for us shortarses, good power (highway capable - good to about 140),
    plenty of luggage room and mega comfy seats (incl pillion).

    But they ain't kewl ! :)

    John Littler, Dec 9, 2004
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