Newbie Question - Lossing power on engaging any load

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Nath, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. Nath

    Nath Guest


    I brought a 2nd hand bike (Kawasaki 2000 ZX2R) a few months ago. And I
    had this problem with it every couple of months, I really hope someone
    can at least point me to the right direction:

    I star up the bike, it losses power when the motor and gear engaged.
    What I mean is, I startup the bike, shift into 1st gear, give some rev
    (even up to 8k), release the clutch slowly. When the gear engaged to
    the engine, the bike doesn't move forward, instead, the rev drops very
    rapidly and the engine stopped.

    I don't have this problem very often. If I start it up, and it kicks
    into 1st gear okay, I will have a joyful ride for the entire day. Only
    once in a blue moon, it just play up. When it play up, no matter what
    I do, it just won't give any power at all. Even if I leave the engine
    on until it hot, its still loss power once engaged the gear.

    I had some bike service centre checked the bike inside out, and they
    didn't pick up anything at all.

    Can anyone help?

    Nath, Dec 26, 2004
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  2. Nath

    Paul Cassel Guest

    What causes it to get its power back again? In some cases like this, you
    need to either wait until it fails complately so you can test in a
    failed state or replace components until the problem goes away. I'm
    gussing you have a 12R, not a 2R or maybe this is a model I'm not
    familiar with.

    Paul Cassel, Dec 26, 2004
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  3. Nath

    Nath Guest

    Hi Paul,

    Its a 250, its a tiny bike that I have. What usually happen is that, I
    ends up used up the battery (i.e. flat) by keep starting it up after it
    died. So I pulled it back to my garage and charge up the battery. The
    next day, it will usually be okay again. Sometimes I wonder if it is
    becoz my battery is running low (coz I don't ride it very often)?!

    Please do not hesitate to give me more suggestion, as I am fairly
    frastrated with the problem.

    Nath, Dec 26, 2004
  4. Nath

    wws Guest

    Sounds to me like it's not getting enough gas.
    Check your cap vent and strainer.
    wws, Dec 26, 2004
  5. Nath

    Paul Cassel Guest

    Aside from the sidestand switch mentioned by another, the choice come
    down to the carbs - are they clean - and the alternator. If you have a
    weak battery that won't accept a charge easily, that can be the problem.
    It can also be a failing stator.

    Paul Cassel, Dec 26, 2004
  6. Sidestand switch or clutch ignition interlock. Or both.
    Dances with Men, Dec 26, 2004
  7. Nath

    Nath Guest

    I live in Australia. I did notice some of the bike's safety features.
    But I did not pay any attention to the side stand as I didn't know the
    safety system even include the side stand (to be honest, this might be
    the cause of my problem... :p).

    Thanks heaps guys. Really appreciate you spending time replying to my
    post. You gave me a lot of ideas to look into. I shall check them

    Nath, Dec 27, 2004
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