Newbie (niv again)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Niv, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Niv

    Niv Guest

    Thanks for all the input guys (& gals?)
    Fazer was looking good until I got insurance quote, over £800; are NU daft
    or what; they do my car, contents etc very reasonably, so why the big
    expense for bike?

    So after rethink it maybe SV650 (or possibly GPZ500s, but only for a year or
    so, to build up NCB). Have to get some more Ins. quotes.

    What are Bennets like? Great? Avoid? or average.

    TIA, Niv.
    Niv, Oct 25, 2003
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  2. In, Niv said:
    I got a fantastic quote from Carole Nash for my cbr1000, it was over
    £300 cheaper than insuring a Bandit with NU!
    Whinging Courier, Oct 25, 2003
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  3. Niv

    wessie Guest

    They are a broker that often give competitive quotes. They have a lousy
    reputation for customer service, not unlike many insurance firms.

    If they give you a good quote go with them - the policy will be
    underwritten by someone else so you can always contact them direct if you
    are unfortunate enough to need to make a claim.
    wessie, Oct 25, 2003
  4. Niv

    christofire Guest

    Never, ever expect insurance to seem logical. I've got a reasonably
    good riding record which counted for diddly when insuring a car. The
    quotes I was getting were for 250% of the value of the car.
    Ringing round is the only way to do it, plain and simple.
    Try Motorcycle Direct. They're efficient when dealing with paperwork[1]
    and have been cheap. I think someone had a spot of bother with them at
    claim-time recently, but from the description I couldn't say whether it
    was their fault or other people involved in the claim.

    [1] I've always had proper certificates/policy docs within days of
    taking a policy out or amending.
    christofire, Oct 25, 2003
  5. Niv

    deadmail Guest

    Because you've just got a license, will have a crash and claim for
    repairs at a guess.
    deadmail, Oct 25, 2003
  6. Niv

    Niv Guest

    So, an £829 quote from NU for a Fazer.
    Bennets was £405, underwritten by...........


    NU of course!

    How weird is that? or is this common?

    Niv (confused of Chesham)
    Niv, Oct 26, 2003
  7. Niv

    Ben Guest

    Common. The broker is just lowering their mark-up on it.

    Give Motorcycle Direct a whirl:
    Ben, Oct 26, 2003
  8. Niv

    paul Guest

    Try H&R -

    paul, Oct 27, 2003
  9. Niv

    darsy Guest

    I found Motorcycle Direct[1] to be about 30% cheaper than H&R, for any
    possible combination of FC/TPF&T, single -v- multi bike policies.

    [1] ended up with my CD200, R65LS, CBR929RR-1 all insured TPF&T on a
    multibike policy for 245 quid, which isn't too bad.
    darsy, Oct 27, 2003
  10. Niv

    jsp Guest

    Suprisingly, the AA gave me the bast quote when I started out. Carol
    NAsh turned out to be best after that.


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Oct 27, 2003
  11. Niv

    Steve P Guest

    Mitchell & Partners always come out cheapest for me:

    Worth a punt I guess.

    BTW I've got a GPZ for sale if you are interested, email me for details.
    Steve P, Oct 27, 2003
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