New twist :..have G&G killed

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by George W Frost, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. The almighty king of knobs, knobless, came up with the question of "Have G&G
    Quite the opposite in fact, and this would certainly irk the knobless one
    and his little arse-lickers to no end.
    The amount of posts, reposts and replies to this first question, which has
    resulted in over 300 replies,
    all in a week too.
    a bit over 40 a day
    not bad for something which has "killed off" don't you think?
    More than likely, G&G has resurrected from the doldrums and the
    elitist attitude that some and I repeat some, posters have.
    George W Frost, Jul 30, 2009
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  2. George W Frost

    Diogenes Guest

    I had a slightly different take on all the whole thing, George.

    The way I read it was that the conrol-freaky little twerps and their
    suck-up "mates" had all fucked off to Facebook to get away for us.

    Whilst there, they realised that it was not a lot of fun, so the twits
    tried Twitter, but that didn't lift their tartan skirts either.

    Knobdribbler, having just finished reading Mein Kampf (for the tenth
    time), and still on a high as a result, hatched a plot to try to get
    them all back here with the aim of staging a Putsch. Well, you saw
    the result, George... A complete fizzer...

    So now I guess they'll drift dejectedly back to Facebook, Twitter
    #ozomoto, to plan their mass suicide drinking poisoned Coopers while
    you and I are left here to pick up all the hot new biker chicks mooted
    to arrive any day now. Seventy two each should do us for starters,
    waddya reckon, George?

    P.S. I quite enjoyed their visit. I'd forgotten what a bunch of
    total fuckwits they were. Hope they call again soon. This time
    without their Target T-shirts. They're hard to miss at the best of


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 30, 2009
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  3. Have you turned to Islam Gerry?
    quoting 72 hot chicks ??
    Maybe that should be 72 virgins, but you and I know that birgins are very
    hard to come by these days
    Just ask Kyle Sandilands
    George W Frost, Jul 31, 2009
  4. Now look at what you made me do, one mention of a virgin and my head spins,
    making my fingers go all wonky and hit the wrong keys and call them birgins
    George W Frost, Jul 31, 2009
  5. George W Frost

    Diogenes Guest

    More useful than 72 virgins. Virgins tend to have unrealistic life
    expectations, generally as a result of their lack of life experience.
    No. See above.
    Kyle should only get 50% of the heat. The other 50% should be
    directed at the girl's mother. There is no way that mother loves her
    daughter. I'd even go so far as to say what whe (the mother) did
    constitutes gross child abuse. Judge Gerry has psoken.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 31, 2009
  6. George W Frost

    Diogenes Guest

    I had no problem with that. I thought you meant "big arsed virgins".


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jul 31, 2009
  7. George W Frost

    Marts Guest

    George W Frost wrote...
    Pity that they're all totally unrelated to what this newsgroup is about -
    motorcycling in Australia.
    Marts, Aug 2, 2009
  8. It is a way
    but, even if the posts were related to motorcycling only, then there would
    be not very many

    Marts....are you in a motorcycle club?

    Not necessarily an outlaw 1% club or other meany bikie club
    I mean an ordinary club where the members are all interested in motorcycles
    and have either 1 or 25 in their shed, or then again, maybe they don't have
    any bikes but have the interest.
    Listen at a club meeting, there will be conversations on bikes, but there
    will also be conversations on everyday topics
    same here, a newsgroup gathering of people with the same interests, but
    talking about everyday topics
    George W Frost, Aug 2, 2009
  9. George W Frost

    Marts Guest

    George W Frost wrote...
    That's true. But the point of my reply was this particular thread, which, to me
    at least, is largely pointless, whether or not it's about bikes.

    I would imagine that any newcomer to the group would read the posts, ask
    themselves what has all this got to do with bikes, wonder why they bothered and

    Back in the early days when I first subscribed the "signal/noise ratio" wasn't
    as bad. And during that time you get to know the characters, so off topic
    messages became more accepted, I s'pose.

    But even then, people came, people went.

    I used to read EVERY message, regardless of content. These days I find myself
    skipping through or marking as read, entire threads on here and other groups
    that I'm subscribed to.
    Marts, Aug 3, 2009
  10. Interesting point
    but, I read every message from everyone, except a very few,
    as there might be something that I am interested in, have the same problem
    or can help in any way.
    There are those very few who I have put in the sin-bin
    and it is not those ones who I have discussed and disagreed with, this
    includes knobless, marty, smee and maybe one or two others,
    only the ones who have not contributed anything, just agreed with some,
    thinking it will earn them bonus points.
    George W Frost, Aug 3, 2009
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