New supermoto tyres

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by simonk, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. simonk

    simonk Guest

    Contiforce SMs.

    mmm ... quick-steery

    They look like they'll grip like ****, but with today's
    new-tyre/freezing-weather/salt-film-on-the-road combination, who knows?

    Still, a damn sight better than some shonky squared-off MT65s
    simonk, Feb 28, 2005
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  2. I'm waiting until April to change mine.
    Whinging Courier, Feb 28, 2005
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  3. simonk

    Kiran Guest

    Hmm, so 10-15% faster everywhere?
    Kiran, Feb 28, 2005
  4. simonk

    simonk Guest

    And kneedown wheelie wheelspins
    simonk, Feb 28, 2005
  5. Tax dodge?
    Simon Atkinson, Mar 1, 2005
  6. Actually, no. I've decided I can't face despatching for another year and
    will be doing something a little less risky. I will end up paying more
    tax at the end of it, but I'm going to be doing a "proper job" in the
    not too distant future. Of course, not having an impatient controller
    squawking in my ear will be another plus point.

    God, I hated that job.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 1, 2005
  7. simonk

    Monz Guest

    You will find that the next job also has the controller squawking at you but
    they tend to use telephones and I imagine the squawking will be less
    frequent but just as fucking annoying. "what do you mean you haven't got
    there yet ffs, it's only xx miles down that car infested single track road
    with 6 schools (with no off road parking for mum tanks) on it. I can do it
    in an hour on my way home".
    IME (somewhat limited) most transport supervisors/planners at big firms
    haven't even sat in a HGV let alone driven one and as such haven't got a
    fucking clue how hard it is to get from A to B. But don't let this put you
    off :eek:) I still think it's a pretty cool way to earn a half decent living.
    Up int' frozen north the ball park wage for 48 hours (as of the 23rd
    March[1]) is approx 23k to 26k I would imagine it will be significantly
    higher down your way.

    [1] European Working Time Directive implementation date (read load of
    bollocks, loophole filled, legislation)
    Monz, Mar 1, 2005
  8. simonk

    darsy Guest

    truckers earn 23-26k for 48 hours work?

    Sheesh, and they say IT people are overpaid.
    darsy, Mar 1, 2005
  9. That all sounds horribly familiar.

    You forgot the "I know you haven't been feeling well lately, but when
    will you be there, you miserable old git"[1]
    That also sounds horribly familiar. Graham (you know the one) was an ex
    traffic cop that had been doing "job" for 25 years. He was quite
    possibly the worst controller I ever had.
    Well that sounds a lot better than what I've been used to over the last
    few years. I know I'm going to find out in time anyway, but is there a
    rule about who's best to work for money and conditions wise?

    I really can't earn less than a net pay of £350 p/w. Things are going to
    be tight even then.
    What's all that about then? They've put the money up but bought the
    hours down? No, actually, I don't think I want to know :eek:)

    [1] I never thought I'd be able to laugh about that, but it just goes to
    show you, eh?
    Whinging Courier, Mar 1, 2005
  10. Back in the day, they used to ask where you were so they could send you
    somewhere else closeby and get another job or two on. It hasn't been
    like that for years now and the last two outfits I was working at I'd be
    doing well to have five jobs on board.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 1, 2005
  11. Yup. Lincoln's Inn, New Square, Old Square and that one that was just
    off the Gray's Inn Rd (Grey Square?)
    They stopped us riding round. You had to park in Lincoln's Inn Fields
    and walk round and that was fucking *miles*[1]. I used to park in Carey
    St, just off Chancery Lane and sneak past Ambrose Appelby for a quick

    [1] More like 200 yards but I hated walking further than 20 or 30.
    Whinging Courier, Mar 1, 2005
  12. simonk

    Monz Guest

    I spent 12 years in IT and enjoyed the learning/playing with new stuff side
    of it and my annual salary was quite a lot higher than my current one BUT I
    did some working out and discovered I was on a lower hourly rate than I am
    on now (read unpaid overtime) and the stress/pressure was far greater than
    it is now.

    IMHO 56mph in a 460bhp 16 speed aircon'd, air suspended office it not that
    stressfull TBH :eek:)
    Monz, Mar 1, 2005
  13. *Ding*

    Then you've got the radio/CD player, CB (if you're into that sort of
    thing) and not forgetting the view late when you look down into the
    windows of some dolly bird's car :eek:)
    Whinging Courier, Mar 1, 2005
  14. simonk

    darsy Guest

    darsy, Mar 1, 2005
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