New Road Safety Bill

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. The message <>
    I used to know an Aussie who came over a few times to race in the IOM TT
    - Ross Pirani - and he had a good line in tales of nasty rticks played
    on the bike dibble - changing their plug leads over was one of them,
    then roaring past so they'd give chase.

    He reckoned our lot were cuddly by comparison, and our (then)
    deristricted main roads (no motorways then) were a dream.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 21, 2006
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  2. Pip

    sweller Guest

    They don't pay lip service to their employment laws. They're of the mill
    owner school of application.

    From what I've read being out in the sticks won't help either; don't
    believe the myth modern Australia is a laid back bonzer nation. It's
    not. It's a rapidly industrialising (in a 21st century context) third
    world country.

    What is it you're running away from again?
    sweller, Feb 24, 2006
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  3. Pip

    simonk Guest

    It's also full of big fucking spiders
    simonk, Feb 24, 2006
  4. Pip

    sweller Guest

    I get the impression that most creatures in Australia are poisonous,
    bite, can deliver a hefty blow or at the very least have a nasty spike.

    New Zealand: The land that doesn't do unpleasant animals.
    sweller, Feb 24, 2006
  5. Pip

    simonk Guest

    NZ is lovely. It does have some really minging insects ...

    .... but they're quite rare and seem to live up in the mountains. So just
    don't go camping.
    simonk, Feb 24, 2006
  6. Pip

    Veggie Dave Guest

    Apart from the gangs...

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    Extreme Racing
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Feb 24, 2006
  7. Pip

    sweller Guest

    pish. Maoris, if they were any good they wouldn't be oppressed.
    sweller, Feb 24, 2006
  8. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    'Hog, Feb 24, 2006
  9. Pip

    JL Guest

    Not yet actually, no one is yet required to carry an ID card (they're
    working on it though)
    As of march this year the new Industrial Relations laws will take Oz
    back to the 1800's in many ways. Pretty good if you're a Mill owner,
    nothing to worry about if you're a professional with a valued skillset,
    be very scared if you're an unskilled oik with the IQ of a carrot.
    Naah back to front, we're a former first world nation heading rapidly
    backwards towards third world status. Should be a really good place to
    retire to if you're loaded in 15 years time.

    JL, Feb 25, 2006
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