New Road Safety Bill

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. Pip

    JackH Guest

    That, and the chance to spend as much time as you like, with a collective of
    the Francis Begbyisti.

    JackH, Feb 15, 2006
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  2. Pip

    Cab Guest

    I don't think it is illegal, but radar detectors are.

    TomTom has maps of radars in France freely available, IIRC and all
    radar locations in France are freely viewable on guvvernmint websites.

    Sites, like also show you where the Radars are located, should
    you route plan with them.
    Cab, Feb 15, 2006
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  3. Pip

    Christofire Guest

    Er, no - I can't remember what it's called. A bit of googling will
    bring it up though.
    Christofire, Feb 15, 2006
  4. Pip

    R obbo Guest

    R obbo, Feb 15, 2006
  5. Pip

    R obbo Guest

    You can do that in Essex too........ask Auvache
    R obbo, Feb 15, 2006
  6. Pip

    BGN Guest

    Could one get around it by marking the speed caneras as "accident
    blackspots" on the map I wonder?
    BGN, Feb 15, 2006
  7. R obbo wrote
    In the north and very eastern parts of the county yes you most certainly
    can. Almost totally chav free zones they are. They also lack, mains
    electricity, sewerage, water, gas, phones, roads and anything remotely
    resembling morality. They and the area they live in are little, if any,
    further advanced than those found in Victorian times and well documented
    by essayists such as Dickens.
    steve auvache, Feb 15, 2006
  8. Pip

    Pip Luscher Guest

    AFAICT that's only on the road or in a public place, though: doesn't
    section 144B subsection (5) exempt vehicles kept in a private place by
    the registered keeper?

    I'm not sure what happens when a vehicle is transported to, say a
    garage or a mate's place for work or temporary storage though because
    then it would no longer be in the keeping of the registered keeper.
    Pip Luscher, Feb 15, 2006
  9. Pip

    Mo Childs Guest

    'Hog wrote:

    We're dooomed all dooomed
    Mo Childs, Feb 15, 2006
  10. Pip

    Wizard Guest

    This bit
    "Warning signs will be in place to advise road users they are
    entering an average speed zone"
    suggests to me that the Norn Iron speedcameraisti are motivated,
    however misguidedly, by a desire to keep speeds down and save

    I wonder if the M11 SPECS cameras will have such a sign?

    <8P Wizard
    Suzuki GS550 "I like that. Nicely shite" - TOG
    BMW 520i (RIP- Ebay item 4601147727)
    Toyota Nondescript 1.3 Mobility Appliance (on loan)
    ANORAK#17b BOMB#19 BOTAFOT#138 BREast#5 COFF#24
    COSOC#8 DFV#11 STG#1
    Remove location from email address to reply
    Wizard, Feb 15, 2006
  11. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    It's an appaling road, should be a dual carriageway but instead it's 4
    lanes, lots of plain junctions with folk turning both ways. It's not
    fucking cameras it needs but a proper upgrade or roundabouts at the
    worst junctions.
    'Hog, Feb 15, 2006
  12. Pip

    Dan L Guest

    FFS, they're not "Speed Cameras", they're "Safety Cameras".
    Doesn't their very presence make you feel safer on the road?
    Dan L (Oldbloke)

    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    Space in shed where NSR125 used to be
    Spare Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Patio Ornament)
    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6), X-FOT#000, DIAABTCOD #26, BOMB#18 (slow), OMF#11
    Dan L, Feb 18, 2006
  13. Pip

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Dan L scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    In the same way that constantly appearing on CCTV makes me feeling like
    my privacy is properly protected.
    Timo Geusch, Feb 18, 2006
  14. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    Soon they will be neither, they will be tracking devices.
    'Hog, Feb 18, 2006
  15. Pip

    Timo Geusch Guest

    'Hog scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    What makes you think they aren't already?
    Timo Geusch, Feb 18, 2006
  16. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    From an ANPR perspective, mostly not yet. Soon though. It should feel
    like Germany in 1936.
    'Hog, Feb 18, 2006
  17. Pip

    Dan White Guest

    Dan White, Feb 18, 2006
  18. Pip

    Timo Geusch Guest

    'Hog scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Only a lot more sophisticated from a "keeping tabs" perspective. And
    that's why I'm so sensitive to this whole thing.

    And before someone else comes along and tells me to **** off whence I
    came from, I ain't any better there either.
    Timo Geusch, Feb 18, 2006
  19. Pip

    Dan L Guest

    Now you're getting it.

    Sensible policies for a happy Britain

    Dan L (Oldbloke)

    My bike 1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr
    Space in shed where NSR125 used to be
    Spare Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Patio Ornament)
    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6), X-FOT#000, DIAABTCOD #26, BOMB#18 (slow), OMF#11
    Dan L, Feb 19, 2006
  20. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    'Hog, Feb 19, 2006
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