New Road Safety Bill

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. Pip

    Pip Guest

    Tripped over this just now:

    A lot of it is concerned with modifications and repeals of older
    legislation, but there is a significant move towards increasing the
    point and fine penalties for a number of offences. Failing to give
    info as to the identity of a driver will now carry a six-point
    penalty, as will damaging a "railway or other bridge" by crashing into

    Looks like there's extensions to offences of using mobile phones, not
    wearing seatbelts, using "speed assessment device detectors", amongst
    others. It looks to create an offence for keeping an uninsured
    vehicle, too.

    This will become the Road Safety Act 2006.
    Pip, Feb 15, 2006
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  2. Pip

    Krusty Guest

    Thank **** for that (the bridge bit). There's two railway bridges here
    that are crashed into at least once a fortnight. The council even
    fitted big flashing signs with height sensors, but it still keeps
    happening, causing traffic chaos every time.

    Off-road classifieds

    '02 MV Senna '03 Tiger '96 Tiger '79 Fantic 250
    Krusty, Feb 15, 2006
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  3. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    18 - Speed assesment equipment
    1B - that will be aimed at making GPS overlays of cameras illegal, like

    14 - Alchohol ignition overlocks
    Oh look a wonderful new idea

    42-44 - aha here comes the clampdown on supply of plates. The "new
    technology" plates will be along shortly.

    How very depressing.
    'Hog, Feb 15, 2006
  4. Pip

    TMack Guest

    Hmm - does posessing a "map" of the disposition of cameras constitute
    "detection". The lawyers will have a field day. Will it be illegal to,
    say, take a photograph of a speed camera or to write down the location of a
    speed camera or tell a friend about a speed camera or to remember where one
    is? Perhaps even looking at a speed camera will become an offence as your
    eyes would clearly constitute a "speed assessment equipment detection
    device". And if your passenger should warn you of a camera ahead that would
    become conspiracy to pervert the course of justice!
    TMack, Feb 15, 2006
  5. Pip

    Ace Guest

    I didn't know it was illegal. Presumably when you say 'overlay' you're
    including the storing of radar units as POIs?

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Feb 15, 2006
  6. Pip

    Eiron Guest

    Does my speedometer count as a speed assessment device?
    Do my eyes count as speed assessment device detectors when I look at the
    Eiron, Feb 15, 2006
  7. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    Yes it does. I know folk who have been asked to show their TomTom
    They are very heavy on it too even though France has very few cameras
    'Hog, Feb 15, 2006
  8. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    A software file downloaded into a GPS capable device.
    Given that those using such devices have been counted as having less
    accidents, they will have a field day. It's not about saving lives
    though. It's about totalitarian attitudes.
    'Hog, Feb 15, 2006
  9. Pip

    Ace Guest

    Crikey. Still, I only actually have the Swiss ones loaded, as I don't
    give a **** about the french ones, what with forn plates an' all.
    Something to bear in mind for the future though.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Feb 15, 2006
  10. Pip

    'Hog Guest

    Any sort of equipment to detect or confuse road traffic control is
    outlawed in France we were told. Yet I see Road Angel have a french
    website, odd. Perhaps Cab can enlighten us?

    Road safety groups have welcomed a ban. Aimee Bowen of road safety
    charity Brake says users of these devices are just trying to flout
    the law.

    "Drivers already have a free mechanism in their car. It's called a
    speedometer. No-one needs these devices unless they have an ulterior
    motive, which is to break the law and put lives at risk."

    Other European countries which have outlawed camera detectors include
    France, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Austria, Turkey, Switzerland,
    Ireland and Norway.
    'Hog, Feb 15, 2006
  11. Pip

    Christofire Guest

    <renames POI overlays to Accident Blackspots>

    On a more serious note, as you can set some GPS to warn you at a set
    speed (there's a plugin type program for tomtom that will warn you when
    you break a 30/40/50/etc limit) will that be illegal?

    Why should it be illegal to have a device that reminds you to "drive
    safely" and legally?
    Christofire, Feb 15, 2006
  12. <happy sigh>
    DoetNietComputeren, Feb 15, 2006
  13. Pip

    Pip Guest

    Nah, you need somebody who is French for that.

    Oh, btw: -
    SPECS cameras Belfast.
    Pip, Feb 15, 2006
  14. Pip

    JackH Guest

    Oh look: 'Financial Penalty Deposits'...

    They already do this in the case of untaxed vehicles pulled and clamped on
    the spot by DVLA / VOSA... that, and they appear to be granting far more
    powers to the VOSA gestapo

    ....and 'Exemption from speed limits' - no more officers being done for doing
    159mph, eh.

    Cunts, the lot of 'em.

    Time to persuade the wife we should actively look to relocate to Australia,
    methinks... and yes I know they're as anal about ID cards and the like over
    there, but at least you can **** off to somewhere which really is the middle
    of nowhere, and pay lip service to all this sort of bollocks.
    JackH, Feb 15, 2006
  15. Pip

    TMack Guest

    You couldn't make it up, could you? They paint the fucking things bright
    yellow and post signs to warn of their presence and then say that you are
    committing an offence if you have some way of warning yourself about the
    same cameras! Perhaps the people who put up those same warning signs should
    be prosecuted as these clearly represent "speed assessment equipment
    detection devices". Ah but hang on a minute isn't there a requirement for
    these signs to be in place for all cameras placed under the National Safety
    Camera Partnership rules and guidance (most cameras)? So will they be
    prosecuting themselves or what?
    TMack, Feb 15, 2006
  16. Pip

    ginge Guest

    You're *hugely* wrong if you think Australia isn't as tight on speeding
    as we are over here.

    They've cameras, handheld radar, and *large* fines for as little as 5%
    over the limit. Plus, A$1000 fines for posessing a radar detector, and
    automatic disqualification for speeds over 130Kph.

    Fair dinkum.
    ginge, Feb 15, 2006
  17. Pip

    Scraggy Guest


    That's not how I read it,
    ““speed assessment equipment detection device” means a

    device the purpose, or one of the purposes, of which is

    to detect, or interfere with the operation of, equipment

    used to assess the speed of motor vehicles.”

    They are talking radar/laser detectors and jammers.

    A PDA or similar, in no way "detects or interferes with" anything.
    Scraggy, Feb 15, 2006
  18. Pip

    Dan White Guest

    Indeed, as my brother will attest.

    Fair play though, they got his stolen car back in 48 hours by pulling over
    the "fucking druggie abbo's" that nicked it.
    Dan White, Feb 15, 2006
  19. Pip

    Dan White Guest

    When they brought in a ban on automatic rifles several years ago, my brother
    took great delight in informing me that for several weeks there was a huge
    surge in the number of reported thefts of said weapons from their owners.

    Completely coincidentally, there was a sudden nationwide shortage of:
    Large bore drainpipe sections.
    Watertight endcaps for said pipes.
    GPS receivers.

    I wonder what that could mean...?
    Dan White, Feb 15, 2006
  20. Pip

    ginge Guest

    Heavily armed squirrels.
    ginge, Feb 15, 2006
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