New PM numbers [long]

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Big Tony, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. Big Tony

    Big Tony Guest

    As keeper of the Petrol Muppet list I have awarded the following new


    This goes to Robbo for running out whilst giving Jackie a pillion ride at
    the EOSM last weekend. I understand they were both forced to push his divvy
    900 for some distance to the petrol station.


    This goes to myself and there is a bit of story to this one...

    Well as has been said in other postings my bike has rather a large petrol
    tank and a normal range of about 280 miles (300 miles at a push). Therefore,
    I rarely stop for petrol. On the French run this weekend I decided against
    spending a night on a ferry and opted to go Dover to Calais and ride the 250
    miles or so to the Hotel. I set off from my house about 140 miles into the
    tank, rode down to Dover with CG Sean[1] and managed to catch an earlier
    ferry than planned. It was a pleasant day and all was going well.

    As we were getting off the ferry, Sean mentioned that he would need some
    petrol within about 50 miles, so I thought we'd get out of Calais and get
    some in one of those large service areas on the Autoroute. I'd also be able
    to use the opportunity to get some Euros out of the cash machine. Well we
    blasted down the Autoroute at about 100mph. Just as we passed through the
    tolls my fuel light came on and I thought that we'd better stop within 30
    miles or so. However, we seemed to have come upon the only long stretch of
    Autoroute in France without any services and within 25 miles the beemer and
    spluttered to a halt at only 240 miles. Evidently, I hadn't taken into
    account that the fuel consumption markedly increases when travelling in
    excess of legal speeds. It did occur to me that when word gets out about
    this I'd struggle to live it down being PM KotL and having a large tank and

    All was not lost as Sean was riding with me and he pulled over as well. The
    original plan was to drain a small amount of petrol out of Sean's tank into
    a suitable receptacle and put it in my tank. However, as hard as we searched
    for some bottle or can, we could not find a single piece of litter at the
    side of the Autoroute. So it was decided that Sean would go up the road on
    his bike, get a can of petrol and come back. Before Sean set off the
    Autoroute maintenance van turned up and after asking what was wrong, the
    driver allowed Sean to go and get the fuel as planned so long as he was no
    more than 20 minutes. Anything longer and I assume they would have recovered
    my bike and charged me a large fee for the privilege. So Sean set off and
    the Autoroute man put some cones out to warn others of the bike and then
    drove off.

    30 minutes later and there was no sign of Sean. I rang him to see how he was
    doing and he said "You're not going to believe this"
    "I've run out of petrol"
    He told me he was about 2km from the services and intended to walk up to
    them and get a can for himself.
    In the meantime I rang BMW to see if I could get them to come out and was
    told that they were not allowed to attend breakdowns on the Autoroutes as
    these were dealt with by the managing company. So I was resigned to await
    the return of the Autoroute maintenance man.

    After a while I get a call from Sean. He's had some luck as when he began to
    walk, a lorry driver picked him up and dropped him at the services. After
    having some trouble locating a petrol can, he was now walking back to his
    bike with a full can of petrol.

    About an hour had passed, there was no word from Sean so I thought I'd give
    him a call to see how he was doing. After about 20 rings the phone is
    answered and I say "Sean, how are getting along".
    He replies:"It's a bit of a disaster but I can't talk now I'll phone you
    back in a while"
    I start thinking what an earth has happened? Has someone hit his bike? Or
    stolen it or what?

    It later transpires that as he walked back and had almost reached his bike.
    A police van stops, the door opens and he is told to get in. They then drive
    off with him in the back without saying a word. He is convinced that he's
    been arrested and is on his way to the police station. The van then pulls
    back into the service area and he then thinks "Oh no they've misunderstood
    and are bringing me to the petrol station" but all they were doing was
    turning round. They drove him back down the motorway and around again to his
    bike and then waited whilst he filled up his tank and set off again. I think
    I must of phoned him at the point when they said to him: "If you break down
    in France, you call a tow truck"

    After that it was plain sailing. Sean rode back to the services, filled up
    his bike and the petrol can then rode down to the next junction, came off
    and paid his toll, came back on again, rode back past me, came off and paid
    his toll, came back on again, stopped and emptied the can in to my tank,
    rode up to the services with me where I filled the my tank and he topped up
    his. I also filled the can up again just in case. Well to run out once might
    be considered unfortunate. To have run out again would have without doubt
    been worthy of a YTC number.

    After a phone call to Ben Blaney to tell them to save some dinner, we set
    off about 3.5 hours behind schedule to receive a warm UKRM reception when we
    finally reached the hotel.


    CG Sean (see above for details)

    That should really be the end of the story but I'm not sure it was. When I
    returned from France this evening I rode through Customs as you do. When
    going through customs I'm never sure what the etiquette is with regard to
    the officers that stand at the side and look at you as you go through.
    Assuming you are not smuggling anything, do you just ignore them? Do you
    look away shiftily or do you make eye contact? Well I chose the later and
    just as I had ridden past the officer and thought I'd got through, he
    hastily called me back and diverted me off to the side bit where they do the
    searches. After a load of rather basic questions like have you any ID? (It
    just so happened that I had my passport), Are you aware it's illegal to
    bring drugs and weapons into the UK? (Funnily enough, yes I was) Have you
    got any then? (Err... No),we got onto the details of my trip

    I found trying to explain that I'd been on a tour with about 30 other bikers
    through something called UKRM on the internet but only three others were on
    the boat quite difficult. They were looking for tickets or details of the
    trip. All I could tell them was that the UKRM French Run wasn't the sort of
    thing you booked up at Thomas Cook.

    I suppose after a while they came to the conclusion that if he looks like an
    innocent man, walks like and innocent man and talks like an innocent man
    then he probably is. So they apologised for delaying me and sent me on my

    Now I've never been stopped in the past at Dover and not for about 15 years
    anywhere by HM Customs so I started to think why had they stopped me on this
    occasion? I first thought it was because I looked the officer in the eye and
    if I were a smuggler I would want to appear innocent and that would be what
    a smuggler would do hence this is what HM Customs look for. But if that were
    the case why did he stop me so late after I had ridden past. I can only see
    one explanation. It comes from a possible answer to the following question.

    Why would a bike with a massive petrol tank have a petrol can bungeed to the
    back seat?

    1. A mate of mine who doesn't post but is known to many UKRMers for his long
    distance CG125[2] trips who was actually on his CBR600 on this occasion.
    2. MSOHP
    Big Tony, Sep 21, 2003
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  2. Big Tony

    Salad Dodger Guest

    I'm glad we didn't stop to see what was going on then, what with five
    and a half thousand Marlboro stashed away. :)

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/KH500A8/TS250C/exTS185C
    _/_____\_ ..58464../..13655.../..3157./.19406/.fecked.
    |_\_____/_| IMC#4 TPPFATUICG#7 YTC#4 DIAABTCOD#9 PM#5
    (>|_|_|<) BOTAFOT #70 two#11 Ignoramus #0001
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOF #09 IbW#0 & KotIbW# OSOS#07
    \ |^| / WG* BotTOS #6 GP#4 ANORAK#17
    \|^|/ 2003 RBR landmarks:99 points:2100 miles:8000
    Salad Dodger, Sep 21, 2003
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  3. Big Tony

    WorkTOG Guest

    They stopped me, and asked where I'd been, and whether I'd been alone.
    I replied that there'd been about 30 of us, and then it dawned on me
    that only four had made that particular boat.

    I reckon Customs & Excise read ukrm and have been trying to see
    exactly what ukrm-ers look like, whether they have horns and tails,
    that kind of thing.

    Incidentally, you *nearly* got a PM number too, eh? Eh? Of course, you
    were on a 1200 Bandit, and they practically stamp PM numbers on the
    crankcases of those things.

    Aftermath of the Ducati - leccy start has behaved perfectly ever since
    so feck knows what it was. The chain is *utterly* knackered after 9000
    miles, and is flapping and rattling like like a Dale Winton skeleton.
    Don't see any point in repalcing it with winte ron the way, so I'll do
    it come the spring.
    WorkTOG, Sep 22, 2003
  4. Big Tony

    Champ Guest

    Could someone explain this analogy to me?
    Champ, Sep 22, 2003
  5. Champ said:
    Did you not know that Dale Winton's body is 4 sizes too big for his
    skeleton? He's a medical miracle.
    Simon Atkinson, Sep 22, 2003
  6. Big Tony

    Big Tony Guest

    We do but he wasn't on this trip. I am not sure this kind of name dropping
    would have eased TOG's or my passage through customs. In fact I suspect any
    mention of Stan and it would of been a long search culminating in 'touch
    your toes time'.
    Big Tony, Sep 22, 2003
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