New Hyundai advert

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Thomas, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. Thomas

    Thomas Guest

    Interior. Long shot of the back of a kid's head. We see the big-screen
    TV where the kid is playing a video game. As the camera slowly zooms
    in, we see that the game is crash 'em up, 'see how many collisions you
    can get in while driving down the street,' stuff. The voice-over says,
    "This year, more than <XXX> thousand new drivers will hit the roads.
    Think about it." Then something about their new safe car, yadda

    Whoever does Hyundai's ads is creative. It was effective.
    Thomas, Mar 4, 2010
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  2. Thomas

    platypus Guest

    Made you think about giving up bikes and getting a nice little car, did it?
    platypus, Mar 4, 2010
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  3. Thomas

    darsy Guest

    Hyundai? "Nice little car"? Shurely Shome mishtake...
    darsy, Mar 4, 2010
  4. Thomas

    platypus Guest

    I didn't suggest he should get a Hyundai - obviously some sort of Fiat
    Multipla would be a much better choice.
    platypus, Mar 4, 2010
  5. Thomas

    Dave Emerson Guest

    Their ads have always been so much better than their cars...

    Dave Emerson, Mar 4, 2010
  6. Thomas

    turby Guest

    For a nanosecond, maybe. At least I remembered who made the ad, which
    is more than I can say for most.
    turby, Mar 4, 2010
  7. Excellent. Mind you, I remember this superb ad for the otherwise humdrum

    The Older Gentleman, Mar 4, 2010
  8. Thomas

    platypus Guest

    I have to confess to being quite fond of the Montego. Maestro too.
    platypus, Mar 4, 2010
  9. Thomas

    Pete Fisher Guest

    A mate of mine had a Maestro EFI. Happy memories of making progress in
    it between RAC Rally spectator stages.

    Also of driving one round Silverstone club circuit on a 'Racing School'
    try out day.
    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Voxan Roadster Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber" |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 Morini 350 "Forgotten Error" |
    Pete Fisher, Mar 4, 2010
  10. Thomas

    platypus Guest

    I had a 1.3L as a company car - put 36k on it in 16 months, mostly M4/M25.
    platypus, Mar 4, 2010
  11. Thomas

    Ace Guest

    Oh lord yes, I'd forgotten they used Montegos. **** knows why - I
    guess they were cheap. Our group managed to break two on the day we
    were there.

    Oh, you were talking about Maestros. Well, it was definitely Montegos
    when I was there.
    Ace, Mar 4, 2010
  12. Thomas

    zymurgy Guest

    I like the Northern Ireland Road safety ads.

    To say they're hard hitting is an understatement. :-0


    zymurgy, Mar 4, 2010
  13. Thomas

    Pip Guest

    Ah, that's the otherwise humdrum Russ Swift. I used to be in the same
    motor club as him and I remember him winning lots of autotests -
    frequently those I was further down the order in. Slick ****.

    That handbrake turn into a parking space, right at the end was his
    trademark: we had him as lunchtime entertainment at a rallysprint
    around an ex-wildlife park. The long circuit was a strip of tarmac
    which was less than four metres wide and ~3 miles long and he took a
    Mini round it. He made the valves bounce in first, then handbraked it
    round, changing into reverse on the turn - then he hoofed it to valve
    bounce in reverse and flicked it into first on the turn ... rinse and
    repeat. He never touched the grass, all the way round.
    Pip, Mar 5, 2010
  14. Thomas

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Stockton and DMC? Me too - but I was rallying rather than doing
    autotests. Russ grassed me up once when he saw me driving away from a
    bird's house in Yarm about 6:00 a.m. one morning. Otherwise a really
    nice and modest bloke.
    Colin Irvine, Mar 5, 2010
  15. Thomas

    Pip Guest

    In my 'testing days it was a requirement (for 'clubman's licence'
    events) to join the organising club: I was therefore a member of ~20
    MCs and although my 'main' clubs were Sunderland&DMC and Tynemouth we
    used to get all the newsletters and do events and meetings outside the
    ANECC events quite frequently. Never a free weekend ;-)
    I never knew him well, what with him being a Senior Member, like, and
    very good at what he did; but he always came across as one of the good
    guys - free with advice and encouragement. He was certainly partly
    responsible for improvements in my car handling skills.
    Pip, Mar 5, 2010
  16. Thomas

    CT Guest

    You're talking to someone who owns a Multipla.

    CT, Mar 5, 2010
  17. Thomas

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Heh. Anyone remember the Maestro Turbo? The one that had the 'Turbo'
    badge executed in Porsche's script?
    TOG@Toil, Mar 5, 2010
  18. Thomas

    CT Guest

    Depends whether you mean "pretty functional" or "pretty, functional" :eek:)

    The Maestro is functional in that it has an engine, doors, seats and
    most of the basic things you need in a car. It's shit, but it has them.
    CT, Mar 5, 2010
  19. Thomas

    Ben Guest

    A mate at college had an MG Maestro Turbo. This would have been about
    1994. It was stonkingly quick (0-60 in about 6 anna half seconds),
    but had no brakes and no handling. Properly scary.
    Ben, Mar 5, 2010
  20. Thomas

    platypus Guest

    The Maestro had a big, light, roomy cabin with plenty of room in the back,
    and adequate boot space. It rode and handled pretty well by the standards
    of the time, with reasonable performance and economy. Mine was perfectly
    pleasant to drive around in, and very comfortable. Pretty much like the
    Multipla, really.
    platypus, Mar 5, 2010
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