New cameras on Harbour Bridge

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Uncle Bully, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    I noticed two brand new Cameras on the approach to the Harbour Bridge today.
    They are only 100m apart pointed at the southbound bus lane. The question
    is, what are these for?
    Speed cameras don't make sense as this is a bus lane, and why have 2 cameras
    within 100m metres on a stretch of road that hasn't had any serious crashes.
    Or maybe it captures the whole road but even then who can speed down this
    part of the road? It is always chockers with traffic and I doubt anyone
    could get over the 80 limit even if they wanted to.
    Is it possible that they are Bus Lane Cameras designed to catch illegal bus
    lane use? The cops usually hang out down there so it could be a move to free
    up two more cops for desk duty. Anyone have more info about these?
    Uncle Bully, Dec 24, 2004
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  2. Uncle Bully

    Mathew M. Guest

    Cameras just so the traffic control blokes can watch what's going on?
    Mathew M., Dec 24, 2004
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  3. Uncle Bully

    Johnnie5 Guest

    do they look like speed cameras ??

    on Gt Western Highway near Parramatta there is several of these cameras into
    and out of Parramatta
    to catch illegal bus lane use
    Johnnie5, Dec 24, 2004
  4. Uncle Bully

    GB Guest

    I noticed a bunch of them on the Gt Western Highway just
    west of Parramatta arranged in a similar fashion to that
    which you describe a few nights ago. Got a bit worried and
    slowed down for a look-see.

    The ones out there have big yellow stickers on the back
    of 'em with words to the effect of "BUS LANE CAMERAS,
    ON TRIAL" on the back of 'em.

    (My wording isn't correct, but something that implied they
    were there to detect illegal use of bus lanes, and that
    they were 'on trial'.)

    Wonder if these aren't the same. I don't do The Bridge
    southbound in the morning, only northbound in the
    afternoon. Haven't seen 'em.

    GB, Dec 24, 2004
  5. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    No they look like speed cameras, big boxes with a second smaller box
    Uncle Bully, Dec 24, 2004
  6. Uncle Bully

    Fred Ferd Guest

    thats a real pain. you can have a large truck or a some old VW in front of
    you, and be forced to
    crawl behind it while there's an empty lane to the left.

    ordinarily a cop will let you enter and leave the bus lane for the purpose
    of overtaking, but with the camera's one false move and you are caught.

    What if some hoon has just moved in front of you and taken up all your
    safety room, and then he has to stop for stopped traffic... right, so what
    do you do ? move left into the empty lane.. snap snap.

    One drivers bad actions have caused you to get this fine - now you have to
    go to court to tell them that.
    Fred Ferd, Dec 24, 2004
  7. Uncle Bully

    Z Guest

    So you break the law and are whinge if you get pinged. Have you tried
    overtaking on the footpath also? Bus lanes are not there for overtaking. Due
    to people using it as such causing danger there has been a neccissity to
    install the cameras.
    If you are not speeding and have a proper saftey zone - I would suggest you
    come to a nice easy stop behind the car in front. On the other hand if you
    were racing your hoon mate or purposely not letting someone in and they cut
    you off or just plain tail gating - I would suggest you stop in a hurry or
    make sure your insurance is up to date.
    A magistrate would not fall for the story - " a hoon cut in front and I had
    to use the Bus Lane"

    Now if you really want to use the bus lane buy a motorcycle, drive a bus
    taxi or hire car. You can use it to your hearts content without worrying
    your pretty little head about the cameras.
    Z, Dec 24, 2004
  8. Uncle Bully

    MickK Guest

    I wonder how they are going to differentiate between a bus, taxi, hire car
    and all other vehicles? I can't see it snapping pics of ALL vehicles as it
    would take way to long to sort through and would undoubtedly be too
    expensive. Operator driven monitor watching won't be useful (read
    financially viable) except in peak hour so my money is on putting the
    current e-tag system in all vehicles allowed to use bus lanes (this would
    include every public service vehicle such as taxis, buses, cop cars, ambo's
    and fire trucks). I wonder what they are going to do to motorcycles?
    MickK, Dec 24, 2004
  9. No, I reckon it's really great!
    Being a Bus Lane, and not a Bus Only Lane, it's excellent for me to
    get into Parramatta and back :)

    Darren Bokenham, Dec 24, 2004
  10. Uncle Bully

    Johnnie5 Guest

    if you have a look in the road there is sensors

    and then up the road there is another sensor

    looking at both sensors it looks that they are located where the front and
    rear wheels of a bus
    would be on the road so this looks like 1 way to eliminate some pics

    these new ones are probably also the digital kind so with a simple script of

    take photo
    both sensors activated at same time then delete photo

    from there , there is prob OCR software linked to the RTA database
    which will then confirm registration

    bike delete photo
    taxi delete photo
    hire car delete photo
    stupid habib mobile send tickets

    Johnnie5, Dec 24, 2004
  11. Uncle Bully

    MickK Guest

    Hello, Johnnie5!
    You wrote on Sat, 25 Dec 2004 08:02:06 +1100:

    J> if you have a look in the road there is sensors

    J> and then up the road there is another sensor

    J> looking at both sensors it looks that they are located where the front
    J> and rear wheels of a bus
    J> would be on the road so this looks like 1 way to eliminate some pics

    J> these new ones are probably also the digital kind so with a simple
    J> script of

    J> take photo
    J> both sensors activated at same time then delete photo

    Possibly, but highly unlikely IMO because this would mean a truck with the
    same wheel spacing (and there would be many) would be immune or even two
    cars tailgating that may trigger the "delete photo based on wheel spacing
    difference" script. And add to this the fact that not all buses have the
    same wheel spacing and you get the idea. More than likely, these sensors
    are used to trigger the two photo flashes that are required for speed/red
    light cameras.

    J> from there , there is prob OCR software linked to the RTA database
    J> which will then confirm registration

    Other than the e-tag scenario, this is the most likely thing they would do
    but it means a HUGE database of license plate numbers. Also, I wonder what
    they do to interstate buses? All seems like a huge waste of manpower to me.

    J> bike delete photo
    J> taxi delete photo
    J> hire car delete photo
    J> stupid habib mobile send tickets
    MickK, Dec 24, 2004
  12. Uncle Bully

    Johnnie5 Guest

    HUGE database of rego numbers WTF ? the RTA already has the database
    they can just use it as well

    hmm so it costs a couple of hundred $ for 1 person for the day

    they pick up quite a few fines in the day ,

    hence their wage is paid many times over and the guvnmint gets a shitload of

    that my friend is called job creation and a solution to our unemployment
    problem ;)
    Johnnie5, Dec 24, 2004
  13. Uncle Bully

    Michael Guest

    Victoria have had em for years, on Johnston Street. The cameras
    photograph everything using that lane, with a bulk roll of film (800
    exposures). Not sure if each vehicle has one or two photos against it

    Today with digital technology, 1) the film need never be changed, 2) the
    camera can sit there happily taking photos all day without any user
    intervention, 3) OCR technology can automate the process somewhat,
    Transurban have been using it on the Citylink tollway for nearly 5 years
    now - do you think the Citylink toll gantries have a dinkly little roll
    of film that has to get changed every 800 cars that pass through?

    It's a good move from NSW to be trialling the cameras. Why should one
    selfish person in one car hold up the commute of 30 people on one bus?
    Michael, Dec 25, 2004
  14. Uncle Bully

    Fred Ferd Guest

    well kind of.
    Its like an empty lane, that can be used to drive around a blockage on the

    The law does specify that only driving in the bus lane for a reasonable
    distance is the offence.

    The law makes that illegal.
    Read the law.
    I would have thought the main problem is that the people drive in it and
    block it up where they have trouble getting out lane because the other
    lanes are so full.

    NO, if the other vehicle TOOK YOUR SAFETY ZONE AWAY IN AN INSTANT.
    That was a condition I already stipulated, moron.

    Then get charged with dangerous driving , because the law stipulates that
    you must avoid the collision,
    and the law allows the use of the bus lane for such !

    Yes they will. the cost of going to court to tell the story is evaulated as
    more than the fine,
    so they basically dont care if they just see you there and say 'case

    thats a very silly thing to say.
    Fred Ferd, Dec 25, 2004
  15. In on Sat, 25 Dec 2004 03:52:48 GMT
    The wording is

    (2) The driver of any vehicle may drive in a bicycle lane, bus lane,
    tram lane, transit lane or truck lane if:
    (a) it is necessary for the driver to drive in the lane to avoid an
    obstruction; or

    "large truck or a some old VW in front" is not "an obstruction" within
    the meaning of the act...

    At least I bet you will have a hell of a time convicing the beak that it
    is when you take the ticket to court.

    Zebee Johnstone, Dec 25, 2004
  16. Uncle Bully

    DaZZa Guest

    The RTA already has this database.

    The OCR technology necessary to weed the legitimate users out from the
    illegal users already exists, and is already in use.

    They could {and probably do} snap every vehicle which doesn't meet
    certain requirements {for busses, the bus-specific traffic control is
    usually done with a height sensor rather than spaced induction loops}
    and let the OCR software & database work out the rest.

    A read-only {I.E. cannot be altered} copy of every photo taken is
    kept, so if there is dispute, it's easy to look at the picture and
    say "Yup, that's definitely a car, and definitely not a taxi, you're
    using the lane illegally, stiff.".

    It's quite possible this is what the cameras are for - that lane is
    misused so often it isn't funny.

    DaZZa, Dec 25, 2004
  17. Uncle Bully

    DaZZa Guest

    There are no people involved, beyond those required for maintenance of
    the cameras etc.

    It's all automatic.

    DaZZa, Dec 25, 2004
  18. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    What unemployment problem? Unemployment is at around 5% which is considered
    economincally perfect. (if everyone had jobs, there'd be no growth or
    demand, so 5% keeps the economy chugging along at the desired rate).
    Uncle Bully, Dec 26, 2004
  19. Uncle Bully

    Johnnie5 Guest

    hmm note smilie ??

    * note to self , stop using smilies, no one takes notice
    Johnnie5, Dec 26, 2004
  20. Uncle Bully

    Nev.. Guest

    It doesn't cost any more for them to transmit 1000 digital images back to
    their office than it would to transmit 1 digital image. They could quickly
    and cheaply determine which vehicles are legitimate users of the bus lane and
    which to send fines to. It must be cost effective because some bus lanes in
    Melbourne have been in operation for 20 years.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Dec 26, 2004
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