New Bike - woot!

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Uncle Bully, Mar 11, 2005.

  1. Uncle Bully

    Boxer Guest


    a.. First patent for aircraft ejection seat (Reichpatent nr. 711045)
    granted in 1939 to Karl Arnold, Oscar Nissen, Rheinhold Preuschen and Otto
    Schwarz working for Junkers flugwerk. Additional patent granted to Erich
    Dietz for the addition of a power cartridge to the above patent.
    b.. The Heinkel 176 (Verruckte Raketenflugzeug) (1939) was the first
    aircraft to be fitted with a working ejection system. This was not a
    production aircraft.
    c.. The Heinkel 280 and 219 were the first production aircraft fitted with
    ejection seats from the outset.
    d.. The first recorded live emergency ejection took place from a Heinkel
    280 on the 13th January 1943. The pilot Herr Schenke, was on a ferry flight.
    e.. It is estimated that some 60 emergency ejections were made in WW2 by
    Luftwaffe pilots. It is not known how many were successful.
    f.. SAAB (Sweden) introduce their first (Mk 1) seat in 1941. This was
    fitted to the SAAB J21-A1
    g.. First static live ejection test (Bernard Lynch) - 24th January 1945
    h.. First UK dummy ejection in flight from Defiant aircraft - 24th June
    i.. First live ejection test by B. Lynch from Meteor - 24th July 1946
    j.. Initial US Navy interest in MBA ejection seats, period 1944 - 1946
    k.. First live ejection in flight from US Navy Douglas A26 aircraft (Lt.
    Furtek using MBA seat) 1st November 1946
    l.. First live runway level ejection (Sqn. Ldr. J. S. Fifield) - September
    m.. First live runway level ejection demonstration to US Navy (Sidney
    Hughes, RAF) - August 1957
    n.. First US Navy production ejection seat ordered - August 1957
    Boxer, Mar 15, 2005
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  2. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    The British Lightning was the English Electric/BAC Lightning.
    Toosmoky, Mar 15, 2005
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  3. Uncle Bully

    BT Humble Guest

    More of a boom-and-zoom interceptor than a dogfighter. There's one at
    the war memorial in Canberra, it's a tiny little thing.

    BT Humble, Mar 15, 2005
  4. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    * The British Royal Air Force (RAF) first encountered the FW-190A-1 in air
    combat over the coast of northern France in September 1941. The new German
    aircraft was more than a match for the Spitfire V. British intelligence was
    initially puzzled by reports of the new German fighter, with some
    speculation that the type might actually be a captured French Curtiss Hawk
    75 or the Bloch 151 fighter, both of which were radial-engine machines with
    a vague resemblance to the FW-190. By the end of the year, the British had
    no doubt that they were up against something much more formidable.

    "In June, an Fw-190 landed at Pembrey after its pilot had become lost. This
    gave the RAF an early opportunity to test the aircraft against the Spitfire
    Mk V, and it proved superior in all respects except for turning ability."
    Toosmoky, Mar 15, 2005
  5. Uncle Bully

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    They weren't _transmitting_ TV pictures when I was a kid. You had to go to
    the local movies to watch the Melbourne cup a week after it was run.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 16, 2005
  6. Uncle Bully

    manson Guest

    Before you even _think_ about it, Ello, Lisa would kill you.... ;-)

    manson, Mar 16, 2005
  7. Uncle Bully

    John Guest

    We started off on that track.. but you know this lot~~


    P51 = best looking prop fighter
    John, Mar 16, 2005
  8. Uncle Bully

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Here's a question, how come in fighters don't have weapons that fire
    In all the movies you see the pilot saying "Bogey on my tail, I can't shake
    him". Surely a gun or missile that fires backwards would solve this dilemma?
    I wonder how many pilots died or ejected thinking 'If only I had a gun that
    fired backwards'?
    Am I missing something here?

    Btw I picked up the bike yesterday and man do the roads all seem so much
    shorter now.
    Uncle Bully, Mar 16, 2005
  9. Uncle Bully

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    No, it was "live" on the radio.
    Tower needs cleaning again. If only I could get a really big toothbrush.

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 16, 2005
  10. Uncle Bully

    smack Guest

  11. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    Aiming a gun in a mirror isn't easy.

    The Arado 234 jet bomber of WWII featured rearward firing cannons.

    The Heinkel 219 nightfighter featured cannon that fired directly upward.
    Excellent for culling bomber streams, particulary against the British
    bombers which had a big blind spot underneath...

    Then there's the Boulton-Paul Defiant, think Hurricane with a gun turret.
    The weight of the turrent and gunner was it's downfall though...

    Ride the Penguin...
    Toosmoky, Mar 16, 2005
  12. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    "The Fw-190 was more than a match for the spit *at the time it was

    : P
    Toosmoky, Mar 16, 2005
  13. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    Should be a few floating around Thailand...
    Toosmoky, Mar 16, 2005
  14. Uncle Bully

    Toosmoky Guest

    Not was. Is...
    Toosmoky, Mar 16, 2005
  15. Uncle Bully

    Mad-Biker Guest

    2 years of owning my cbr600f4i everytime i open its throttle i still go oh

    Bikes are quick, you just get use to the speed pretty quickly.

    Problem when ya jump up is you loose all that nimbleness the 250's have.

    Just doesnt feel as easy to do the u turns and that sort of thing.

    And i recomend and use Oggies Nobs :) they are proven to prevent crashes
    (see ref Murphys Law) , not just protect the bike in one.
    Mad-Biker, Mar 17, 2005
  16. Uncle Bully

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    Theo Bekkers, Mar 17, 2005
  17. Pisshead Pete, Mar 17, 2005
  18. Uncle Bully

    GB Guest

    Well, you would, wouldn't ya! :) I'm gonna hold
    out for the 'giant schooner glass'!

    "Handcrafted in Poland by master blowers"

    Hmmm, I dunno about that!

    GB, "I am not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings"
    GB, Mar 17, 2005
  19. Uncle Bully

    BT Humble Guest

    Well... no. The Hurricane was outclassed by the Spitfire in top speed,
    rate of climb, rate of dive, and turning ability. The Hurricane WAS,
    however, responsible for winning the battle of Britain by the fact that
    3 out of every 5 enemy planes shot down were done so by Hurricanes.

    Of course, this was probably due to the fact that Hurricanes
    outnumbered Spitfires by a 2:1 ratio, because they'd started production
    a year or two earlier. And since it was a whole lot easier to repair a
    shot-up Hurricane than a Spitfire, they tended to get back in the air
    again sooner.

    Here's a much better researched article on the Hurricane Vs Spitfire

    (For what it's worth, I prefer the Hurricane. A much more workmanlike
    machine, without the la-de-da foppish reputation of the Spitfire!)
    BT Humble, Mar 17, 2005
  20. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
    Pisshead Pete, Mar 17, 2005
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