[QUOTE] That's a bad mistake straight away.... I bought my 'her' a greenhouse. This is actually full of pots. Potting actually goes on outside despite the bench I made inside the greenhouse which is now a pot stand.....[/QUOTE] I see a pattern here. [QUOTE] Heh. Buy a log burner. I've never been so short of offcuts :D[/QUOTE] I will do. one day. I've still got a wodging great stack of sawn up tree trunks outside the house, waiting for said burner... [QUOTE] I the 'work place' I have a bench that I built over my giant oil filled dc welder. [1] It has a pillar drill on it. You can just about see it :) 1. I have a piece of 14" x 12" oak beam to stand on so I can reach the pillar drill . It's quite big welder......[/QUOTE] Are you *quite* sure you haven't built your shed over a national Grid transformer?