Never Ridden

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Pig, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Pig

    Pig Guest

    Want to but see too much carnage on road with bikes.I am sure by riding more
    sensible than a lot I see would increase your odds of living but the
    temptation is there to blow everything away on the road :p
    This is the only reason I can't get motivated and with a bub on the way I
    really find it hard to take the first step.I am sure this is the step that
    many ask themselves before starting unless you're young and fearless;-)
    I am 34 and have driven almost everything on the road except a motorbike
    give me a reason....please.

    Pig, Mar 1, 2005
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  2. Pig

    Pig Guest

    Well the bloke I work with son was killed 2 weeks ago a day before his 24th
    birthday on a bike the person in the car is ok. Pity he can't reply.
    Pig, Mar 1, 2005
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  3. Pig

    Col Guest

    Got my licence 2 months after my son was born....returned to riding after
    about 20 years.....and loving it....

    Col, Mar 1, 2005
  4. Pig

    stuart t Guest

    3 times, this year!!!!! Loooxury.

    I got run over by bus twice this morning, that's only because I were
    livin' in pothole.

    But vaguely seriously, I've been riding for 16 years, I'm now 34 and
    still going. I've never felt that riding was some extreme sport, it's
    simply the most enjoyable and practical way of getting from point A to
    B. Lots of good L plate courses out there, do one.
    Stuart T
    stuart t, Mar 1, 2005
  5. Pig

    sharkey Guest

    I agree. They're bloody stupid things, dangerous and uncomfortable,
    and they aren't cool, they're just silly. Like alcohol and drugs,
    it might feel good at the time and Postman Pat might seem a lot
    funnier, but who's laughing the next morning, that's what I'd like
    to know. Certainly no-one thinks Pat is funny now!

    If all of your friends jumped off a bridge I'd expect you would too, eh,
    just to be "cool". Or you'd stick your hand into an insinkerator, or
    drink a pint of nitric acid just to impress the girls. Well, that's
    just what motorcycling is like, only with a rabid ferret up your
    trouser leg and a less refined peer group.

    -----sharks (oh, and don't run with scissors. Yes, especially in
    a thunderstorm or on an aeroplane. No you can't have another
    biscuit. Go to your room and do your homework.)
    sharkey, Mar 2, 2005
  6. Pig

    Moike Guest

    It doesn't have to be dangerous.

    There are a lot of ways of enjoying motorcycles, just like there are a
    lot of ways of enjoying cars. A car enthusiast doesn't have to drive a
    fire breathing street machine. Some get their rocks off restoring old
    Wolseleys. People like the MG car club seem to have a good time,
    enjoying their motorsport.

    Some bike riders see it as an extreme sport, and can't be satisfied with
    less that the highest possible power and maximum speed, others think
    crossing the Nullabor, going to rallies at the end of 100k dirt tracks,
    doing a lap of the country on a 250 or doing really odd things with
    postie bikes is really good fun.

    If you're nervous about danger, but feel that nothing will replace
    speed, then maybe you should think about building a hotrod, getting a
    track bike, or getting into carting.

    Do one of the learner courses, and see if its fun for you.

    Moike, Mar 2, 2005
  7. In on Tue, 01 Mar 2005 22:06:18 GMT
    YOu have to give yourself one.

    The reasons I give myself all boil down to "It's way more fun than the

    Sounds to me like you want someone else to give you permission, so here
    you are..

    "It is OK to ride a motorcycle"

    Zebee Johnstone, Mar 2, 2005
  8. Pig

    SmeeR11S Guest

    I agree with you Zebee put i don't think we need another "pig" on the
    roads we have enough handing out tickets now as it is.
    SmeeR11S, Mar 2, 2005
  9. Pig

    David Guest

    Go for a motorbike lesson.

    I was unmotivated at first. Had my first lesson on a crappy suzuki
    GN250. probably didnt go any faster than 40km/h but what a rush! i was
    totally hooked.

    try it

    Dave R6
    David, Mar 2, 2005
  10. You took _scissors_ onto an _areoplane?_ What are you, some sort of
    goddamned *terrorist* or something?


    Iain Chalmers, Mar 2, 2005
  11. Pig

    sharkey Guest

    An Areo-plane? What are you, some kind of *martian*?

    sharkey, Mar 2, 2005
  12. Pig

    FuTAnT Guest

    Whether you're trolling or not, boo hoo. I'm sad to hear it but why come up
    with excuses on why it's good or bad. If you enjoy it do it, simple as that.
    The bottom line is, for most people who take it up, it's one of the best
    things they've done in their lives. We take the risks, and acknowledge them.
    If you fall off and injure yourself, take it on the chin and say "well, I
    knew what I was up for". If you aren't prepared for that, then don't bother.
    On the other hand, don't think that you'll automatically always fall off and
    seriously injure yourself or die. There's many people out there who have
    ridden for many years with very few, or no incidents.

    FuTAnT, Mar 2, 2005
  13. Pig

    Conehead Guest

    Isn't 34 a bit old to be pregnant, Pig? No wonder you're having trouble
    Conehead, Mar 2, 2005
  14. Damn, we've been found out again... Oh well, I guess we just destroy
    this planet too and start again on Venus...

    Iain Chalmers, Mar 2, 2005
  15. Pig

    GB Guest

    That's a scurrilous fabrication. He didn't drink a pint of
    nitric, he merely popped a mono in front of his daughter's

    GB, Mar 2, 2005
  16. Take a look at the yard where the coppers keep the road fatality wrecks
    ,check the number of cars against the number of bikes .
    I'll think you find a good reason not to drive a car.
    Why do some people skydive from perfectly good aircraft .Why do some scuba
    dive where there are sharks ? Why climb mount Everest?
    You can apply this question to hundreds of activities that people do every
    day ,even work ..
    If you spend your life wondering whether you are going to die or get injured
    because of something you do then you will never do any thing worth while.

    Kevin\(Bluey\), Mar 2, 2005
  17. Pig

    GB Guest

    That skydiving aircraft are "perfectly good" is an all-to-
    common misconception. Have you had a good look at a jump
    ship lately? A lot of them are rotten pieces of shite! :)

    GB, Mar 2, 2005
  18. I don't skydive in case I get hurt :)
    Kevin\(Bluey\), Mar 2, 2005
  19. Pig

    Pig Guest

    Thanks to most and bugger off to some I will learn to ride and put another
    'Pig' on the rode:)
    Pig, Mar 2, 2005
  20. Living near an airstrip, I'll vouch for that. I keep thinking it's someone
    crashing but it's just that damn skydiver driver, cowboy bloke!
    Pisshead Pete, Mar 2, 2005
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