Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by IceMan, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. IceMan

    IceMan Guest

    Let me go take the clutch off the bike for you I will just stay in 1st gear
    all the time.
    I should thank you for being so considerate and thinking of ways to keep me
    from getting tickets or even speeding which could cause me to be in an
    I sir should Pay you for helping me out like this
    And I insist that you only send the handlebars if you allow me to pay you the
    $1500.00 that they are worth to you.

    IceMan, Nov 22, 2003
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  2. IceMan

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, it's not that they're worth that to me...they actually cost
    (final bill) right at $1200.

    That's what it costs to convert the handlebar setup on this bike, and
    that's finding bargain basement parts and doing some of the work
    myself. This is how I *know* I've got the only bike like one
    else would be stupid enough to invest that kind of money into
    converting one of these things.
    Brian Walker, Nov 22, 2003
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