
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Chris, Nov 21, 2003.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    Does anyone have coils that would fit the kz 650. I only have 50.00 so if
    you have some for 50.00 or less please post thanks...

    Also im wanting to paint it like i dont know black or silver or something,
    do they sell that kind of paint at autozone or something to paint the bike

    Chris, Nov 21, 2003
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  2. Chris

    IceMan Guest

    The coils on that bike are good!!! so you dont need to change them I know that
    The Paint is sold at autozone in little spray cans but you may want to get a
    couple cans of primer also just so you can do it right.
    IceMan, Nov 21, 2003
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  3. Chris

    IceMan Guest

    I may have another set of coils around here if you want to buy them. I would
    only charge you $50.00 for them also.
    I have a rear fender and some other parts also. I did send some good parts
    with the bike so you should be ok
    unless you are just wanting to spend some money on the bike to make it feel
    like you are doing something. if that is the case then tell me what else you
    feel is wrong with it and I may have the part here for you.

    IceMan, Nov 21, 2003
  4. Chris

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey Iceman,

    Do you think it'd be too late for me to ask for a new clutch for my
    VT1100 Shadow? I hear you might have one laying around somewhere, and
    mine is getting soft after riding with Fullstate.

    I can trade you my handlebars since I'm thinking of going a bit racier
    profile and a wider base than what I've got. I only have $1200
    invested in them and would be willing to swap even for the clutch...

    And if it's not too much trouble, can we get those leathers to me...I
    think it's turning cold and I don't want to be left out of riding?
    Brian Walker, Nov 21, 2003
  5. Chris,

    I've got a set from a GPZ750 turbo that I know are good.
    That being said, are you *sure* that you need them - or did someone
    else tell you that what was wrong with the bike?

    Last I heard, your "uncle" had the bike running. If the bike ran at
    all, it's fairly unlikely that you need new coils. Why do you think
    you need coils?

    Just dont want you to buy a part that you don't need.
    darin Ginther, Nov 21, 2003
  6. Chris

    IceMan Guest

    Let me go take the clutch off the bike for you I will just stay in 1st gear
    all the time.
    I should thank you for being so considerate and thinking of ways to keep me
    from getting tickets or even speeding which could cause me to be in an
    I sir should Pay you for helping me out like this
    And I insist that you only send the handlebars if you allow me to pay you the
    $1500.00 that they are worth to you.

    IceMan, Nov 22, 2003
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