Need a hand choosing?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. ogden

    Ginge Guest

    It's 3.7% for anyone earning up to 100K, and that's where it's capped.

    Of course those earning over 100K will also be in a higher tax bracket.
    Ginge, Apr 15, 2005
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  2. ogden

    darsy Guest


    "not by a huge amount" you say. We'd be about two grand a year worse

    In fact, I might even be better off moving to fucking Paris[1] and
    paying French income tax rates.

    [1] not that I'd ever do this, of course[2]
    [2] though I do quite like the idea of the (small) possibility of
    relocating to our new Singapore office.
    darsy, Apr 15, 2005
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  3. ogden

    'Hog Guest

    Singapore!! and you call me a right wing neo-fascist. That's one
    *controlled* society.

    'Hog, Apr 15, 2005
  4. ogden

    PeterT@Home Guest

    darsy proposed
    Do you like your e-mails read by government officials and your phone
    PeterT@Home, Apr 15, 2005
  5. ogden

    PeterT@Home Guest

    Kiran proposed
    They're in power in Germany and everybody there said what you just said
    ten years ago.
    PeterT@Home, Apr 15, 2005
  6. ogden

    darsy Guest

    Heh. I just meant it'd be preferable to living in Paris.
    darsy, Apr 15, 2005
  7. ogden

    darsy Guest

    Oh sure, they're a long way off from getting them right. The
    principle's sound, though.
    I'll only vote for the Green's because I think the anarchy that would
    ensue if they actually got in would be a laugh. And also, not voting
    means you're morally obliged not to complain about who actually gets
    It literally sends a shiver down my spine when I find myself agreeing
    with you. Though I'd have income tax flat at 20%, VAT at 20% for
    essentials and 30% for luxuries, and (this is the bit you probably
    wouldn't agree with) up social security payments to account for the VAT

    Oh, and I wouldn't dick around with the NLF - all proceeds from sale of
    lottery tickets would go straight into revenue coffers, so it'd be more
    obvious that it's a simple tax on misplaced hope, greed and stupidity.

    That reminds me, must my a lottery ticket tomorrow.
    darsy, Apr 15, 2005
  8. ogden

    Ginge Guest

    Ouch. Only a couple of hundred here.
    Ginge, Apr 15, 2005
  9. ogden

    darsy Guest

    slightly tongue-in-cheek, old boy.

    We've got a Hong Kong office too, that might be nice.
    darsy, Apr 15, 2005
  10. ogden

    dwb Guest

    You don't earn much do you?

    Check your sums again , I think you'll find yours will be higher than you
    dwb, Apr 15, 2005
  11. ogden

    Ginge Guest

    Compared to you Southern lot, probably not.
    OK, it's a bit worse.. but I think the 3.7 number also had some caps on
    it as when I used a calculator thingy online it came out with a lower

    Anyhow, i'll cost "some pounds".
    Ginge, Apr 15, 2005
  12. ogden

    simonk Guest

    Knowing you, and having heard reports from close friends about Singapore, I
    think it'd drive you absolutely fucking spare.

    The best thing about Singapore, so I've heard, is that it's not that far to
    lots of other exotic places
    simonk, Apr 15, 2005
  13. ogden

    Champ Guest

    There's a calculator on
    Champ, Apr 15, 2005
  14. ogden

    PeterT@Home Guest

    darsy proposed
    Yeah, Hong-Kong is alrightish, I suppose, but I haven't been there
    since our current University Chancellor hugn up his boots there.
    PeterT@Home, Apr 15, 2005
  15. ogden

    Ace Guest

    Fucksake. As if income tax wasn't unfair enough in the first place.
    We'd be 3k a year worse off, predictably enough, if this came in and
    we still lived in the UK.

    AAMOI We pay about 1800 Euro (==£1100) in equivalent taxes on the
    house in France, made up with Taxe Foncière, Taxe d'Habitation and
    local water, sewerage and rubbish collection charges, compared with
    the £700 or so we were paying on the house in MK.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Apr 15, 2005
  16. ogden

    darsyx Guest

    yes, I know. I. Was. Joking.
    Well, apparently we have a very nice office near the yacht club...
    darsyx, Apr 15, 2005
  17. ogden

    'Hog Guest

    Oh **** yes. Much cleaner I'm sure, folk don't piss in the streets.
    I've not been in Singapore mind, just shared an MBA year with a dozen of
    them. Consulate people used to visit to *encourage* them to return home
    at course end and the women wouldn't get their pants down.

    'Hog, Apr 15, 2005
  18. ogden

    Champ Guest

    Ace thinks it's unfair that he pays a higher rate than poor people.

    He's Hog's gruppenfuhrer.
    Champ, Apr 15, 2005
  19. ogden

    'Hog Guest

    with you. Though I'd have income tax flat at 20%, VAT at 20% for
    I would scrap VAT altogether, balanced by scrapping the EU
    contributions. Common market yes, Parliament no. I don't think
    governments should have the right to charge levies on *any* goods, it's
    not transparent enough. One flat tax each for income/corporation, and
    they set it accordingly. That'll put paid to all their lunatic spending
    schemes. Our Corp tax rate should be no more than 20% and lower for
    companies which manufacture goods in the UK.

    In terms of NHS, Pension & SS, let it be paid out of a direct NI
    contribution scheme, again that maintains transparency and people can
    rationalise and vote accordingly. Employers and employee NIC should be
    rolled into one figure. I'm all for benefits being far higher for folk
    who have paid and then find themselves out of work or severely disabled.
    Roads and Public transport the same, all paid from a single VED.

    In particular I don't buy into fuel taxes. Folk have a reasonable right
    to move around unhindered and not according (too much) to earning power.
    If it is polluting then government should legislate in cleaner fuels,
    all diesels could be burning biodiesel today with a knock on benefit for
    farming. We could already be on track for all cars to be hydrogen
    electric in 10 years, as it is more like 60 years.

    The *entire* tax system is a complete and utter fucking shambols. I can
    do **** all about politics in GB but I'm doing a bit to change it in NI.

    'Hog, Apr 15, 2005
  20. ogden

    Ace Guest

    Obvious, innit? As I high earner I pay more than most folk, so it's
    inherently geared against me.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Apr 15, 2005
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