[QUOTE] On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 12:47:08 +0100, Des Coughlan They had it coming [/QUOTE] *Ding* <RANT> And anyway, the Yanks have by now managed to kill lots more civilians in Iraq than died in the twin towers [1] on 9/11/2001 [2] [1] [URL]http://www.iraqbodycount.net/[/URL] [2](I really wish people would stop referring to it as 11/9 or 9/11 like it's point zero in history which lives with us year in year out. FFS the septics would *love* to get us all to accept the notion of a permanent war in the middle east. "It'll be 9/11 evryday until the last terrorist is locked up without trial on an island belonging to people we maintain sanctions against in defiance of the UN" Sheesh. </RANT>