Neat blade fuse idea

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by 'Hog, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Phil Launchbury wrote
    Dunno. The first I came across HTML in the wild was from a bloke
    recently demobbed from HM Navy where they were all ready using it for
    stuff so secret I can tell *anybody* about it and he was trying to get
    the company to look at it seriously for document archiving. This was in
    the mid/late 80's.
    steve auvache, Feb 9, 2006
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  2. 'Hog

    Chris Cowley Guest

    Well, it *might* have been a 386 I suppose, I can't rightly remember.
    And slackware 1.0 was kernel version 0.99-something-or-other, I reckon.
    To be honest, I didn't really have a clue what I was doing - we needed
    to install linux to run httpd so I kept pressing buttons until it looked
    like it was doing what I needed it to. I do remember the box being on
    the internet with no root password for several days before I worked out
    how to use passwd.

    'nix wizard, I certainly wasn't. Nothing changes.
    Chris Cowley, Feb 9, 2006
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  3. The message <>
    Our first website (hi-fi shop) had 'Best viewed in NN#' (Can't unforget
    which version, now.) and viewed in Mosaic there was no colour - apart
    from battleship grey.

    They never complained to us.

    Anyway, didn't Netscrape absorb Mosaic?
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 9, 2006
  4. 'Hog

    Chris Cowley Guest

    I suspect that would have been some time after Spry sent their e-mail
    out. Did your hi-fi shop have a web site in 1994? I'd be quite surprised
    if it did, TBH.
    Netscape paid some US university X million dollars at some point,
    because there was big hoo-hah over them nicking the code on which
    Navigator was based from Mosaic, which was apparently owned by said
    university at the time. Or something like that. There must be web sites
    detailing all that stuff, I really can't remember it very well at all.

    Can't really fully remember where Spry fitted into the picture either
    (beyond the stroppy e-mail), I assume Spry Mosiac was a licenced version
    of the original NCSA Mosiac or something.

    Then (eventually) along rumbled Microsoft and steamrollered over the
    whole sorry lot of them, of course. Hooray for capitalism!
    Chris Cowley, Feb 9, 2006
  5. oops. Mind, windows 95 was more floppies than that. Somewhere in the
    house I have Novell dos 7 and windows 3.11 for workgroups, both on 6 3.5"
    floppies each.

    also discovered the other day that the win 95 universal boot disc will
    front-end for the 98SE CD. Which was handy as I've no idea where the 95 CD

    98SE in theory should boot from the CD, but apparently not if you have a
    single, unformatted HDD in the machine.
    Austin Shackles, Feb 9, 2006
  6. Can't remember exactly when, but it was in the first year of Zetnet's
    existence, and that was (I think) 1995. So we weren't far behind.
    ....and tried to make its own rules and ignoring such protocols as had
    been established, in the hope that everyone would be forced to use only
    M$ products if they wanted to join in the fun.

    I've used IE once - to go and get Netscape 3. Since then I've only used
    Netscape, Opera and Firebird/Firefox. Now Bloody M$ Windows 2000 Update
    Rollup won't work without IE6. This must be more anti-trust stuff.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 9, 2006
  7. The message <>
    Hum. It should, if you have the BIOS set correctly. I booted from a Win
    98SE CD and did the formatting from that on another box, since I didn't
    have a boot floppy.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 9, 2006
  8. Heh. Get a Mac and stop worrying ;-))
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 9, 2006
  9. The message <1haief7.1xykt7owbfnk0N%>
    from (The Older Gentleman) contains
    these words:
    I'm alpha testing some software and it needs Windows - otherwise I'd be
    all Linux by now.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 9, 2006
  10. well, the box I was fixing for someone flatly refused to boot from the CD,
    irrespective of bios settings.

    Pentium thing, it is.
    Austin Shackles, Feb 9, 2006
  11. 'Hog

    platypus Guest

    More likely late 1995. I was in the next pigpen to the Sprynet guys, doing
    CompuServe support. They had about 5 members at the time, including Damon's
    platypus, Feb 9, 2006
  12. 'Hog

    Roger Hunt Guest

    Shirley, I would have thought that as an alpha tester you are in a prime
    position to nag the authors into compiling (or whatever the term is) it
    for Linux?
    Roger Hunt, Feb 9, 2006
  13. The message <>
    So was mine - Pentium II (233MMX)- which has since died.

    I have a rather discerning PIII-450 which will not load any flavour of
    Windows properly.

    Managed to load Debian Woody, and now Sarge, and it runs Knoppix OK too.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 9, 2006
  14. The message <>
    from Roger Hunt <> contains these words:

    No, it's being written in Microsoft.NET

    The earlier versions will run in Wine
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 10, 2006
  15. 'Hog

    Chris Cowley Guest

    I dunno, I still think 1994 because it must have been very soon after
    Navigator 1.0 was released (Oct '94). I think Netscape offered us some
    sort of freebies to stick the logo on our website (possibly free
    licences as Nagivator had to be paid-for for commercial use).

    At one point (much later on...), we had both "Best viewed with Netscape"
    and "Best viewed with Internet Explorer" logos on the site, because
    Microsoft *defintely* were giving out freebies to MSDN members who had
    the logo on their websites.

    It was all a bit sordid really. I suppose Spry was right to get the hump
    about it, but I'd have happily put a Spry Mosaic logo on the site too if
    they'd sent some beer or chocolate or something instead of griping about
    standards and stuff.
    Chris Cowley, Feb 10, 2006
  16. 'Hog

    Roger Hunt Guest

    This is beyond my knowledge or experience - do you mean Microsoft net
    So is this.
    Roger Hunt, Feb 10, 2006
  17. 'Hog

    Guest Guest

    Prior to which G. came out with that infamous thing about the internet
    never amounting to anything (or some such - I paraphrase).
    "Where does a ten foot gorilla with a spiked club sit?
    Anywhere you like, Sir."

    I was there too, running a small corner of HP's web site. I had a boss
    who told me (at an annual appraisal) that the Web would never be any use
    for technical support. Guess which of us still has a job there (hint, he
    works in Colorado)...


    Guest, Feb 10, 2006
  18. 'Hog

    Guest Guest

    Wish they'd get their .NET web pages up-to-date! Trying to give customer
    compelling reasons to use 2.0 (apart from "They've fixed the bad bugs we
    knew about and we haven't found the new ones yet"), all I can find is
    comparisons between 1.0 and 1.1. $bigmoney = $complacency;*
    <glances at stack of Linux CDs> Sigh.



    *it's galling that perl is standard on the Mac, but even now not on Windoze.
    Guest, Feb 10, 2006
  19. The message <j$>
    That's a whole new can of worms uou've opened there.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 10, 2006
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