National Road Safety Conference

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. The National Road Safety Conference was held in Sydney this week.

    THe Motor Cycle Council of NSW had a stand there, with our strategy doc
    "Positioned for Safety" and the various pamphlets we've produced in
    partnership with councils, plus various leaflets about bike safety
    produced by different organisations.

    I presume the proceedings will be available somewhere, your local Uni
    library might be a good place to start if you want to see the papers.

    I'll be putting up any info or links I can get on
    and announcing that here.

    Herewith Guy's report on the conference:
    (reformatted by ZJ)


    Brian Wood presented the 4 minute talk series on "Positioned for Safety
    - Before and After", using the new posters produced for the occasion.
    The crowd was thick around the stand at each presentation and well

    I worked the room, pumping the flesh and discussing stuff with whoever
    looked useful. Many bodies from the NRSS Panel were there and I even had a
    civil chat with Eric Howard of Vicroads - that's "Mr. front numberplates"
    to you.

    <note from ZJ: NRSS is the National Road Safety Strategy panel,
    basically the various TRansport Ministers. Guy was at the last meeting
    they had.>

    We may have prompted the formation of a "motorcycle users group" amongst
    the road safety researchers and the NRMA wants to convene this. It seems
    we have beaten all of them to the initial discussions on a wide range of
    issues and we are in demand. By establishing the directions and setting
    the posts correctly, we can let them kick some goals for us. We want a
    strong presence on such a group.

    <note from ZJ: if you have solid lobbying and committee experience and
    want to help, let me know. This is a suit job, we need experienced
    suits for it.>

    Certainly, the mainstream motorcycle safety issues are following our
    agenda. We need to stay on top of this, the "high moral ground" is giving
    us good bargaining power and maintaining a high level of credibility.

    I have a whisper on a small bit of government money we might be able
    to grab and will pursue that. It won't be big, but all help will be
    accepted, as long as it comes without strings. It means we can free up
    some cash for the outreach projects, which still haven''t been able to
    find funding in the competitive environment of grants.

    Four papers on motorcycle issues were given:-

    "How valid are motorycle safety data?" - Narelle Haworth, MUARC
    Narelle Haworth picked up on the challenge laid out in Positioned
    for Safety to actually test the validity of the data used in motorcycle
    crash statistics and has found the basis of the data to be wanting
    in many areas. This brings a focus onto the appropriateness of safety
    strategies currently directed towards motorcyclists. An excellent piece
    of work and of the high standard that we are coming to expect from her.

    Of particular note is the focus she now demands upon
    unregistered/unlicensed riders and the problems from trail bikes
    included in the road crash stats because of the definitions of
    "gazetted road". Clearly we are mixing two different types of crashes
    and classifying them together resulting in confusion. Good stuff.

    "Exposure study by motorycle make and type" - Ron Christie, RSRC Services
    Ron Christie challenged the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures for
    distance travelled by riders in a year. You may recall a survey
    circulated late last and early this year. Again, we find confusion
    between trail and road riders. e.g. you may ride all day, on the road
    you may cover several hundred km, in gnarly landscape, 60km is a big day
    out. There is a large group of riders covering less than 5,000km per
    year. Low usage appears to increase crash risk. High usage, whilst
    increasing "exposure" to risk, may in fact be protective against risk.
    ABS figures are definitely "low", but not by as much as we thought. Good
    baseline data.

    "Retiring from riding - or not?" - Christine Mulvihill, MUARC
    Christine Mulvihill interviwed riders who had given up riding and asked
    them questions about why and when. The direction was an attempt to be
    able to predict how many riders would return to riding and how many
    would definitiely not. Being a behavioural study it is less precise, but
    gave some insights. This who gave it away saying it was "too dangerous"
    never came back. This seems sensible to me. They comprise about one
    third of respondents interviwed.

    In NSW terms, we have 384,000 licenses on issue, this means that about
    100,000 will never return. We have about 95,000 registered motorcycles
    and approximately 75,000 unregistered motorcycles. Now the question is -
    what about the other 100,000 ? The paper suggests a revolving
    population, entering and leaving at different times.

    "Motorcycle Protective Clothing" - Liz de Rome, LDeR Consulting
    Liz de Rome delivered protective clothing, a project sponsored by the
    MCC of NSW and funded by the Motor Accidents Authority. The paper is a
    short form of the final product which is to be a guide to selection of
    protective gear. Hospital injury studies reveal the usefulness of
    protective gear for minor injury and shortening stay in hospital and
    less long term impact of injuries and reduction of common gruesome
    injuries such as "degloving"- where skin and flesh is dragged off like a
    glove. It also showed that it was of little value for the serious
    injuries such as chest, pelvic or severings. Also illustrated is the
    lack of information availability on synthetic or textile materials for
    abrasion resistance, despite makers claims. Leather is the only material
    with consistent results. Denim jeans offer the lowest abrasion
    resistance at 0.6 seconds, while good 1.3mm leather is 5 seconds. Body
    armour works.

    Data on gear vesus injury is scarce and deficient. The most commonly
    injured part is the legs. The lowest area of protection of NSW riders
    is the legs. Motorcycle gloves and motorcycle boots work. The biggest
    area of deficiency is consumer protection - no reliable standards with
    huge variability in performance of various products. Any suggestion for
    making protective clothing compulsory has been shelved, although there
    are clear benefits from wearing it. Issues such as heat stress from too
    much gear are pointed at and the lack of appropriate clothing for our
    climatics was pointed out.

    <note from ZJ: If there were to be labels on bike gear, what info would
    you want on the label?>

    Zebee Johnstone, Sep 26, 2003
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    conehead Guest

    Good stuff. Thanks from me.

    "Your credibilty along with all the other people arguing in this thread has
    been totally distroyed... I am copying this thread and will send it... but
    I'll send it not to the parents, but to a couple of magazines I know..."
    kiwipete in a hissy-fit
    conehead, Sep 26, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Manning Guest

    <major snippage>

    Thanks hugely for posting that Zebee - excellent reading.

    Manning, Sep 26, 2003
  4. Zebee Johnstone

    Boxer Guest

    Happy to help if I can Zebee.

    Boxer, Sep 26, 2003
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    Boxer Guest

    If you could pass on the details that would be good. I have a very good
    relationship with John Anderson and have spoken to him about MC issues, the
    state by state approach that Government has adopted in such a small country
    seems to me to be crazy.

    Boxer, Sep 27, 2003
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