Jon Kennedy at EBC Brakes UK. A short while back when I had my tyres replaced the tyre fitter pointed out that one of the rear brake pads had "debonded" from its backing plate. I was kind p*ssed about this as they were fairly recent fitments. Front and rear were EBC to be on the safe side I replaced both of them. Fair play the guy from EBC has been very helpful and apologetic. Has sent some gnuine BMW/Brembo front & rear pads and has also promised some EBC front & rears when they have them in stock again, oh and a copy of the failure report too when it arrives from .... um Holland I imagine? He also sent a BMW parts CD that he had "hanging about" .. -- Steve Parry K100RS SE & F650 and a 520i SE Touring for comfort [temporarily scarred] (not forgetting the SK90PY)
Steve Parry fumbled, fiddled and fingered: um that'll be Jon Wright ( *not* Kennedy ) of EBC Brakes UK -- Steve Parry K100RS SE & F650 and a 520i SE Touring for comfort [temporarily scarred] (not forgetting the SK90PY)