Nø Respønsé

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. When one does a ''post'' and gets no response atall, what does that mean
    I have seen it in here, and I see that it happens to the best of
    ya'll,in this NG.<>No kidding, seriously, I have posted something I
    thought was soooo interesting, and got absolutely no response, no
    comments.<> I bet Bill Walker, fullstate, Brian, waco,& Bill Fright,
    will respond & espress their opinions, and make this ''post'' a success.
    (we'll see!) By success, I think atleast 3 Hits, makes it a success.
    (chuckle) we'll C, eh?

    ‹›‘Håvé å Gøøð ðåy,
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 29, 2004
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  2. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bill Walker Guest

    When one does a ''post'' and gets no response atall, what does that mean
    I have seen it in here, and I see that it happens to the best of
    ya'll,in this NG.<>No kidding, seriously, I have posted something I
    thought was soooo interesting, and got absolutely no response, no
    comments.<> I bet Bill Walker, fullstate, Brian, waco,& Bill Fright,
    will respond & espress their opinions, and make this ''post'' a success.
    (we'll see!) By success, I think atleast 3 Hits, makes it a success.
    (chuckle) we'll C, eh?

    <>'Håvé å Gøøð ðåy,

    I did respond.. I called you an old "agitator" and "trouble maker" or
    something like all that...<chuckle> Now what's your problem ? Nah..
    doesn't mean a thing, except everyone has other things on their mind.. For
    example, "oil changing".. "gasolene"... "backroads" .. etc. etc.. Now ..
    behave yourself, or I'm tellin' Mrs. Honey on you..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 29, 2004
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  3. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Wakko Guest

    When one does a ''post'' and gets no response atall, what does that mean
    I have seen it in here, and I see that it happens to the best of
    ya'll,in this NG.<>No kidding, seriously, I have posted something I
    thought was soooo interesting, and got absolutely no response, no
    comments.<> I bet Bill Walker, fullstate, Brian, waco,& Bill Fright,
    will respond & espress their opinions, and make this ''post'' a success.
    (we'll see!) By success, I think atleast 3 Hits, makes it a success.
    (chuckle) we'll C, eh?

    I think I will respond by going on a ride this weekend down to the Hill
    I am of the opinion that it will be a nice trip.
    Wakko, Dec 30, 2004
  4. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Wakko Guest

    That sounds awesome. Unfortunately I didn't get the post before we took off.
    I'm definitely putting that road on my "to do" list.
    Wakko, Jan 4, 2005
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