My Trike Adventure

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Jerry, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmm.. Your conversation with Buddy reminds me.. Years ago, we both rode
    touring bikes.. the bigger the better.. Twelve years ago, I was shopping for
    new motorcycle.. Starting with Harley.. I test rode several of the bigger
    from every manufacturer.. It became apparent that I needed to re-evaluate my
    physical capabilities.. Much to my regret, I came to the conclusion that I
    need to take on touring bikes anymore, because of the weight.. Just didn't
    to be wrestling anything that heavy..

    I backed off and commenced to look at cruisers.. rode a few, thought about
    a great deal and settled on the 1500 Vulcan.. again, the weight was a big
    sideration and the possibilities of detailing the bike so that I could tour
    on it..

    While the dealer was servicing my new motorcycle for delivery to me, the
    salesman offered to let me ride his demonstrator to kill time while my new
    motorcycle was being serviced.. That motorcycle was a Vulcan 800 and I took
    that small cruiser for a pretty good ride.. The rest is history and I bought
    a Vul-
    can 800.. Since then, that little cruiser has served me well.. I detailed
    the bike
    so that it would tour and I've made many, many long runs on it.. some of
    two up.. The decision to buy that smaller motorcycle has extended my riding
    years, considerably.. It has been a rare occasion for that little motorcycle
    not perform with the other motorcycles in the groups I've ridden with.. I'll
    to admit that there have been those times when I've wished for some more
    power.. As soon as I got into congested traffic with bad roads, etc.. it
    take me long to get over that power disappointment..

    Far be it from me to dictate to a friend what he should be riding.. I'm
    an experience with you, as my friend.. and anyone else who might be facing
    similar circumstances..

    See you soon

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 15, 2007
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  2. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    No doubt in my mind that you and that 800 don't take a back seat to anybody.
    I am not sure if it came out right, but Buddy was just poking fun with the
    story I told. I just have to find Cookie a trike and I will probably change
    the Valkyrie to a single seater.
    Jerry, Aug 15, 2007
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  3. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Oh yeah.. lol.. I know that old friend of mine and I took it as it was
    It's time for him to back off that touring bike of his, also.. After all the
    of riding with Buddy Helscel.. the unthinkable happened last year.. I saw
    drop a motorcycle.. That Electra Glide just overpowered him and he lost it..
    Not once .. but twice.. There's no doubt in my mind that he would not have
    lost a motorcycle with similar weight as my Vulcan..
    Bill Walker, Aug 15, 2007
  4. Jerry

    Ed Hart Guest

    I did give him a wing at it.
    Ed Hart, Aug 15, 2007
  5. Jerry

    Ed Hart Guest

    Jerry? Look at all angles before you make a decision.
    T-R-I-K-E or D-I-V-O-R-C-E
    Witch is cheaper?
    Ed Hart, Aug 15, 2007
  6. Jerry

    louie Guest

    No, Witch is more expensive

    louie, Aug 15, 2007
  7. Jerry

    redshad Guest

    It was miserably hot coming home empty handed.
    Damn Jerry. Sorry to hear that it all didnt work out for you. You
    probably did the right thing by not buying that trike anyways..that
    trailer ordeal was probably a sign and you should be glad you didnt
    ignore it. Theres alot of trikes out there and with a little time you
    will locate the right one.

    Happy Hunting,
    redshad, Aug 15, 2007
  8. Jerry

    bj_kana Guest

    And, surely, surely...closer than 1900 miles out to Cal-i-forn-nia. If
    it aint any close than, maybe, just maybe....300 miles, I will stay
    put, and keep looking....but that's just me an ol' conservative,
    liberal Bjaykana. Hail' the hunt is more fun than the kill
    anyway..they say......
    bj_kana, Aug 15, 2007
  9. Jerry

    Brian Walker Guest

    Gee Jerry, that fucking just sucks!!! I wished I knew something about
    a trike, but I don't....and I wouldn't want to give you a lead on
    something like you ran into out there. I'll keep my eyes/ears/fingers
    on the look for a trike with a VW motor though.

    Me thinks Cookie looked at those trikes in Arkansas several months ago
    and after those curves figured it might be a good investment....I
    wonder if it's too late to try convincing Cookie that there's no such
    thing as a trike and those she saw were really the Dramamine taking
    effect on her?
    Brian Walker, Aug 15, 2007
  10. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    Sunny.........The same person also has these bargains
    Model : Softail Deuce FXSTDI
    1490 miles, like new $6000
    located in New York
    2005 Hayabusa
    Mileage : 2,119
    located in New York
    I'm buying all 3
    ..louie )

    ''aint that tha truth''......bring 'em back over here, and sell for
    shoot, wouldnt it be pitiful though.., to go way over there, and all 3
    Bikes don't have no handlebars, fuel tank, kickstand, and some other
    important stuff......

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 16, 2007
  11. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    Jerry responds: ''Bill, the only real regrets I have is that I
    spent all that gas money and came back empty handed. I am like the
    alcoholic that forgets why he quit drinking and does it again. I am
    ready to go again. -jerry-

    Ooookay. That's good that your're pretty well over it.......Ain't it
    about the same distance to NYC, as it was to Ca.
    RNGrin, Bjay)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 16, 2007
  12. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill Walker wrote (in part) Jerry,Twelve years ago, I was shopping for
    new motorcycle.. Starting with Harley.. I test rode several of the
    bigger bikes
    from every manufacturer.. It became apparent that I needed to
    re-evaluate my physical capabilities.. Much to my regret, I came to the
    conclusion that I didn't
    need to take on touring bikes anemone, because of the weight.. Just
    didn't need
    to be wrestling anything that heavy..

    Bill,I told Jerry, that I understood. and also...that my wife, Hjay,
    alerted me; that when ''I get'' to where I cannot hold up the Big
    Valk,'''we gonna get us a Trike''.
    I cannot remember now, why Jerry has his mind made up that ''he's gonna
    get him a Trike''.......
    I don't know if he's dropped his Goodlooking Valk, with Cookie aboard ,
    or not?? or what??

    But, in my opinion, anyone who thinks they want a Trike, should
    definitely go test ride one. I don't know if Jerry has or not, he's not
    responded to me on any part of his deal here. And ride it with 2up, for
    dern sure.

    See, Bill, that is what you did. You shopped around in Town. You almost
    gotcha too big of a Bike...know what I'm saying'. You test rode all
    sorts of big cruisers...and so 4th...

    And I did too, and learned for damn sure, one had better get a Trike
    with rear end suspension. cause anything else, will vibrate, and ride
    hard, like a hard tail.
    I rode one that didn't have Rear end stuff, and it felt like a rigid
    trailer back there.

    With ''MC Drivers License'' and proper insurance, the Dealers will let
    ya' test Ride them Trikes. I advise folks to ride up on their Bike at
    the dealer ships, don't drive your truck.....( one dealer didn't even
    ask me to show my MC license, cuz I was on a motorsikel, heheheh)
    (That's a psyco-logical maneuver)

    know what I'm saying.

    Then look for a PreOwned nickels worth...

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 16, 2007
  13. Jerry

    bj_kana Guest

    Maybe, Cookie wants a Trike for herself, to ride! ------Hjay, still on
    occasion ''mentions she wants her own Bike but wants a Trike, to
    Jerry commented that she is the one who is pushing to get a three
    wheeler .....<rng>
    bj_kana, Aug 16, 2007
  14. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    Bjay, I have not dropped Cookie, and I have indicated the reasons for
    looking for a trike in my other posts. I do not want a motorcycle that has
    been triked, I want a Volkswagen. They can have good suspension on them.
    That is the only one I am interested in.
    Jerry, Aug 21, 2007
  15. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    thanks for the info Bjay. I am going to search the NY area today. Gold is
    where you find it.
    Jerry, Aug 21, 2007
  16. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    Yeah, if you run into anything, keep me in mind. I don't care if it needs
    work. Prefer that it does actually. Cookie wants a trike because she thinks
    she wont fall off of it. I ain't tellin her any different.
    Jerry, Aug 21, 2007
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