Many thanks to Mu and Mike for the use of the pub and for the raffle prizes, and a big thanks to the ever wonderful staff of the pub for the excellent way they treat us. A total of about 60ish quid was raised for Papworth Hospital from the sale of raffle tickets and on behalf of Champ and Team UKRM I'd like to thank Hog for donating the X-Boxen, and AJ and WavyDavy for bidding so well for them. I dunno about you lot and tbh I don't really care, but I had a good time. I'll let those with something resembling a memory tell the tales of drunkeness and debauchery, but in closing I'd like to express my gratitude to those people who turn up the the OSMs and make them worthwhile staging, especially those newbies who appeared this time. Thank you all. Btw, I'm not gay or owt.